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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing 2L, N, O and P

PAILLONpaillon n. A thin leaf of metal, for use in gilding or enamelling, or to show through a translucent medium.
PAILLON n. (French) a decorative metallic scale or spangle; specifically a small piece of bright metal foil, used in enamel work.
PALLONEpallone n. A traditional Italian game played with a large leather ball.
Pallone prop.n. A surname.
PALLONE n. (Italian) an Italian game, played with a large leather ball.
PILLIONpillion n. A pad behind the saddle of a horse for a second rider.
pillion n. (Motorcycling) A similar second saddle on a motorcycle for a passenger.
pillion n. The person riding in the pillion.
PLEONALpleonal adj. (Zoology) Relating to a pleon.
PLEONAL adj. relating to the pleon, also PLEONIC.
POLLANSpollans n. Plural of pollan.
Pollans prop.n. Plural of Pollan.
POLLAN n. (Irish) a whitefish, plentiful in Irish loughs, also POWAN.
POLLENSpollens n. Plural of pollen.
POLLEN v. to cover or fertilise with pollen.
POLLENTPOLLENT adj. (Latin) strong, powerful.
POLLINGpolling v. Present participle of poll.
polling n. The action of taking a poll.
polling n. (Computing) A technique that continually interrogates a peripheral or service to see if it has data to transfer.
POLLMANpollman n. (UK, historical, Cambridge University slang) One who takes an ordinary university degree, without honours.
Pollman prop.n. A surname.
POLLMAN n. a graduate with a pass degree.
POLLMENpollmen n. Plural of pollman.
POLLMAN n. a graduate with a pass degree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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