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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing L, O, P, T and U

LOUPITLOUP v. (Scots) to leap, also LOWP.
PLUOTSpluots n. Plural of pluot.
PLUOT n. a hybrid fruit of plum and apricot, also PLUMCOT.
PLUTONpluton n. (Mineralogy) A body of igneous rock formed beneath the surface of the earth by consolidation of magma.
PLUTON n. (German) a mass of rock solidified under earth's surface.
PLUTOSplutos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pluto.
PLUTO v. to reduce in importance.
POTFULpotful n. As much as a pot will hold.
POTFUL n. as much as a pot can hold.
POULTSpoults n. Plural of poult.
POULT n. a young domestic fowl.
PULTONpulton n. Alternative form of puttun (“Indian regiment”).
PULTON n. (Hindi) an Indian regiment, also PULTUN, PULTAN, PULTOON.
PUTLOGputlog n. (Architecture) One of the short pieces of timber on which the planks forming the floor of a scaffold…
PUTLOG n. a crosspiece in a scaffolding, also PUTLOCK.
TOPFULtopful adj. Full to the top or brim.
TOPFUL adj. full to the top, also TOPFULL.
TUPELOtupelo n. Any of several trees of the genus Nyssa which grow in swampy regions on the eastern, southern and midwestern…
Tupelo prop.n. A city in and the county seat of Lee County, Mississippi, United States.
Tupelo prop.n. A town in Jackson County, Arkansas, United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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