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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2L, P and 2U

AMPULLACEOUSampullaceous adj. Shaped like a swollen bottle.
AMPULLACEOUS adj. of or like an ampulla, also AMPULLACEAL.
BULBOPHYLLUMBulbophyllum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – certain orchids.
EQUIMULTIPLEequimultiple n. (Mathematics) One of the products arising from the multiplication of two or more values by the same value.
equimultiple adj. (Mathematics) Multiplied by the same number or quantity.
EQUIMULTIPLE n. a number multiplied by the same number as another.
PALUDICOLOUSpaludicolous adj. That lives in swamps or marshes.
PALUDICOLOUS adj. growing in marshes; marsh-dwelling.
PLUMULACEOUSplumulaceous adj. (Zoology, ornithology) Downy; bearing down.
PLUMULACEOUS adj. of or like plumulae, little feathers.
PLUMULARIANSplumularians n. Plural of plumularian.
PLUMULARIAN n. a member of the Plumularia, a kind of Hydrozoa.
PLURILOCULARplurilocular adj. Multilocular.
PLURILOCULAR adj. multilocular.
POLYCULTURESpolycultures n. Plural of polyculture.
POLYCULTURE n. the simultaneous production of several different crops and types of livestock in one region.
PULLULATIONSpullulations n. Plural of pullulation.
PULLULATION n. the act of pullulating.
PULVERULENCEpulverulence n. The state or characteristic of being powdery or dusty.
pulverulence n. Fine, dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance.
PULVERULENCE n. the state of being pulverulent, powdery.
PURPOSEFULLYpurposefully adv. In a purposeful manner.
purposefully adv. (Proscribed) On purpose, purposely, deliberately.
PURPOSEFUL adv. showing purpose.
SCRUPULOUSLYscrupulously adv. In a careful manner, with scruple; done with careful attention to detail.
SCRUPULOUS adv. having moral integrity, acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper.
SCULPTURALLYsculpturally adv. In terms of, or by means of, sculpture.
SCULPTURAL adv. of or relating to sculpture.
SUBMULTIPLESsubmultiples n. Plural of submultiple.
SUBMULTIPLE n. a quantity that divides into another exactly.
SULPHUROUSLYsulphurously adv. Alternative spelling of sulfurously.
SULPHUROUS adv. containing sulphur in lower valency; pertaining to hellfire, also SULFUROUS.
SUPERLUMINALsuperluminal adj. (Astronomy, physics, fiction, fantasy) Faster than light; having a speed greater than light.
SUPERLUMINAL adj. faster than light.
UNPEACEFULLYunpeacefully adv. In an unpeaceful manner.
UNPEACEFUL adv. not peaceful.
UNREPULSABLEunrepulsable adj. That cannot be repulsed.
UNREPULSABLE adj. that cannot be repulsed.
VOLUPTUOUSLYvoluptuously adv. In a voluptuous manner.
VOLUPTUOUS adv. given up to luxury; sensuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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