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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2L, P, R and V

INTERPLUVIALinterpluvial n. (Geology) A period of decreased rainfall.
INTERPLUVIAL n. a period between bouts of rain.
OVERMULTIPLYovermultiply v. (Intransitive) To multiply or increase too much; to repeat too often.
OVERMULTIPLY v. to become too numerous.
OVERPEDALLEDoverpedalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of overpedal.
OVERPEDAL v. to make excessive use of the sustaining pedal of a piano.
OVERSPILLINGoverspilling v. Present participle of overspill.
OVERSPILL v. to spill over.
PALATOVELARSpalatovelars n. Plural of palatovelar.
PRECLUSIVELYpreclusively adv. In a preclusive manner; preventively.
PRECLUSIVE adv. tending to preclude.
PREVAILINGLYprevailingly adv. Mainly, predominantly.
PREVAILING adv. PREVAIL, to triumph.
PROVERBIALLYproverbially adv. In a manner that uses proverbs; in proverbs.
proverbially adv. In a manner reminiscent of a proverb.
PROVERBIAL adv. of or like a proverb.
PROVINCIALLYprovincially adv. In a provincial way.
PROVINCIAL adv. relating to the provinces.
PULVERISABLEpulverisable adj. Alternative form of pulverizable.
PULVERISABLE adj. that can be pulverised, also PULVERIZABLE.
PULVERIZABLEpulverizable adj. Able to be pulverized.
PULVERIZABLE adj. capable of being pulverized, also PULVERISABLE.
PULVERULENCEpulverulence n. The state or characteristic of being powdery or dusty.
pulverulence n. Fine, dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance.
PULVERULENCE n. the state of being pulverulent, powdery.
PULVILLIFORMpulvilliform adj. Resembling a pulvillus.
PULVILLIFORM adj. shaped like a cushion.
REPLEVISABLEreplevisable adj. Alternative form of repleviable.
REPLEVISABLE adj. subject to replevin, also REPLEVIABLE.
SUPRAVITALLYsupravitally adv. In a supravital manner.
SUPRAVITAL adv. relating to the staining of living tissues.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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