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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing L, N, S, X and Y

ANAPHYLAXESanaphylaxes n. Plural of anaphylaxis.
ANAPHYLAXIS n. an increased susceptibility to injected foreign material, also ANAPHYLAXY.
ANAPHYLAXISanaphylaxis n. Extreme sensitivity to a substance such as a foreign protein or drug.
anaphylaxis n. A severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen, causing a constriction of the trachea…
ANAPHYLAXIS n. an increased susceptibility to injected foreign material, also ANAPHYLAXY.
ANXIOLYTICSanxiolytics n. Plural of anxiolytic.
ANXIOLYTIC n. a drug used to reduce tension.
EXOGENOUSLYexogenously adv. In an exogenous manner.
EXOGENOUS adv. originating from outside.
EXPANSIVELYexpansively adv. In an expansive manner.
EXPANSIVE adv. widely extended.
EXPENSIVELYexpensively adv. In an expensive manner.
EXPENSIVE adv. costing a lot of money.
EXTENSIVELYextensively adv. In an extensive manner, widely.
extensively adv. To a great extent.
EXTENSIVE adv. large, widespread, also EXTENSE.
GLYOXALINESglyoxalines n. Plural of glyoxaline.
GLYOXALINE n. any of a group of heterocyclic compounds produced by substitution in a five-membered ring containing two nitrogen atoms on either side of a carbon atom.
INEXCUSABLYinexcusably adv. In an inexcusable manner.
INEXCUSABLE adv. that cannot be excused.
INNOXIOUSLYinnoxiously adv. (Archaic) In an innoxious manner.
INNOXIOUS adv. harmless.
OBNOXIOUSLYobnoxiously adv. In an obnoxious manner.
OBNOXIOUS adv. unpleasant.
PYROXYLINESPYROXYLINE n. any of the nitrocelluloses, also PYROXYLE, PYROXYLIN.
SEXENNIALLYsexennially adv. Once in every six years.
SEXENNIAL adv. lasting six years, or happening once in six years.
SEXTUPLYINGSEXTUPLY v. in Scots law, to offer a rejoinder.
SIXTEENTHLYsixteenthly adv. In the sixteenth place; sixteenth in a row.
SIXTEENTH adv. number sixteen in sequence.
UNISEXUALLYunisexually adv. In a unisexual way.
UNISEXUAL adv. of one sex only, as plants which have the male and female flowers on separate individual.
XANTHOPHYLSxanthophyls n. Plural of xanthophyl.
XANTHOPHYL n. a yellow carotenoid pigment found with chlorophyll in green plants and in egg yolks, also XANTHOPHYLL.
XYLOPHAGANSxylophagans n. Plural of xylophagan.
XYLOPHAGAN n. one of a tribe of beetles whose larvae bore or live in wood.
XYLOPHONISTxylophonist n. Someone who plays a xylophone.
XYLOPHONIST n. one who plays the xylophone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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