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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2L, 2P and U

APPLAUDABLEapplaudable adj. Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable.
APPLAUDABLE adj. worthy of applause.
APPLAUDABLYapplaudably adv. In a way that merits applause; admirably.
APPLAUDABLE adv. worthy of applause.
APPULSIVELYappulsively adv. By appulsion.
APPULSIVE adv. relating to an appulse, the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
BULLWHIPPEDbullwhipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bullwhip.
BULLWHIP v. to strike with a long whip.
EPIPHYLLOUSepiphyllous adj. (Botany) Growing upon, or inserted into, the leaf.
EPIPHYLLOUS adj. borne on the leaves or leaflike organs.
PAPILLULATEpapillulate adj. (Zoology) Having a minute papilla in the centre of a larger elevation or depression.
PAPILLULATE adj. finely papillose.
PERPETUALLYperpetually adv. Seeming to never end; endlessly; constantly.
PERPETUAL adv. lasting forever.
PODOPHYLLUMpodophyllum n. (Botany) Any of the genus Podophyllum of herbaceous perennial plants in the family Berberidaceae, with…
podophyllum n. The rhizome and rootlet of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), used as a cathartic drug.
Podophyllum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Berberidaceae – American mandrake.
PUERPERALLYpuerperally adv. During childbirth.
PUERPERAL adv. of or relating to childbirth.
PUPILLARITYpupillarity n. (Scotland, law) The period before puberty, or from birth to fourteen in males, and twelve in females.
pupillarity n. Pupilage.
PUPILLARITY n. the state of being a pupil or legal ward, also PUPILARITY.
PUPILLATINGPUPILLATE v. to cry in the manner of a peacock.
SUPPLIANTLYsuppliantly adv. In a suppliant manner; in a humble or earnestly pleading manner.
SUPPLIANT adv. (Shakespeare) supplicating, asking.
UNFLAPPABLEunflappable adj. Remaining composed and level-headed at all times; impossible to fluster; not becoming frustrated or irritated easily.
UNFLAPPABLE adj. imperturbable.
UNFLAPPABLYunflappably adv. In an unflappable manner.
UNFLAPPABLE adv. imperturbable.
UNPOPULARLYunpopularly adv. In a manner which is not popular.
UNPOPULAR adv. not popular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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