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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing L, R, S and 2Y

DRYSALTERYdrysaltery n. The articles kept by a drysalter for sale.
drysaltery n. The business of a drysalter.
DRYSALTERY n. the articles kept by a drysalter; also, the business of a drysalter.
HYDROLYSEDhydrolysed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hydrolyse.
HYDROLYSE v. to subject to hydrolysis, also HYDROLYZE.
HYDROLYSERhydrolyser n. That which hydrolyses.
HYDROLYSER n. an agent that hydrolyses, also HYDROLYZER.
HYDROLYSEShydrolyses n. Plural of hydrolysis.
hydrolyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hydrolyse.
HYDROLYSE v. to subject to hydrolysis, also HYDROLYZE.
HYDROLYSIShydrolysis n. (Chemistry) A chemical process of decomposition involving the splitting of a bond and the addition of…
HYDROLYSIS n. a decomposition reaction involving water, in which hydrogen ions replace other ions.
HYDROLYTEShydrolytes n. Plural of hydrolyte.
HYDROLYTE n. a body subjected to hydrolysis.
HYDROLYZEShydrolyzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hydrolyze.
HYDROLYZE v. to subject to hydrolysis, also HYDROLYSE.
KARYOLYSESKARYOLYSIS n. the dissolution of the nucleus by disintegration of the chromatin.
KARYOLYSISkaryolysis n. (Biology) The dissolution of the nucleus of a cell by the action of deoxyribonuclease.
KARYOLYSIS n. the dissolution of the nucleus by disintegration of the chromatin.
POLYSTYLARPOLYSTYLAR adj. having many columns, also POLYSTYLE.
PYROLYSATEpyrolysate n. (Chemistry) Any product of pyrolysis.
PYROLYSATE n. a product of pyrolysis, also PYROLYZATE.
PYROLYSERSpyrolysers n. Plural of pyrolyser.
PYROLYSER n. a device for pyrolysing.
PYROLYSINGpyrolysing v. Present participle of pyrolyse.
PYROLYSE v. to decompose by heating, also PYROLIZE, PYROLISE, PYROLYZE.
PYROLYZERSpyrolyzers n. Plural of pyrolyzer.
PYROLYZER n. an agent that pyrolyzes.
PYROXYLINSpyroxylins n. Plural of pyroxylin.
PYROXYLIN n. any of the nitrocelluloses, also PYROXYLE, PYROXYLINE.
SEMIYEARLYsemiyearly adv. (Uncommon) semiannually.
semi-yearly adj. Alternative spelling of semiyearly.
SEMIYEARLY adj. happening twice a year.
STYLOMETRYstylometry n. A statistical method of analyzing a text to determine its author.
STYLOMETRY n. the study of literature by means of statistical analysis.
SULFHYDRYLsulfhydryl n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent radical -SH that is the sulfur analogue of hydroxyl and constitutes the thiol group.
SULFHYDRYL n. a chemical group, SH, characteristic of sulphur-containing compounds, also SULPHHYDRYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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