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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing L, O, R, T and Z

HORIZONTALhorizontal adj. Perpendicular to the vertical; parallel to the plane of the horizon; level, flat.
horizontal adj. (Marketing) Relating to horizontal markets.
horizontal adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to the horizon.
IDOLATRIZEidolatrize v. (Transitive) To make an idol of; to idolize.
idolatrize v. (Intransitive) To worship idols; to pay idolatrous worship.
IDOLATRIZE v. to worship idols; to pay idolatrous worship, also IDOLATRISE.
INTERZONALinterzonal adj. Between zones.
INTERZONAL adj. between zones.
INTRAZONALintrazonal adj. Within a single zone.
INTRAZONAL adj. within zones.
LAZARETTOSlazarettos n. Plural of lazaretto.
LAZARETTO n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARET, LAZARETTE.
LETROZOLESletrozoles n. Plural of letrozole.
LETROZOLE n. an antioestrogen drug used in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
LHERZOLITElherzolite n. (Mineralogy) A dark-green igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LHERZOLITE n. an igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
MORTALIZEDmortalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of mortalize.
MORTALIZE v. to make mortal, also MORTALISE.
MORTALIZESmortalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mortalize.
MORTALIZE v. to make mortal, also MORTALISE.
PYROLYZATEpyrolyzate n. Alternative form of pyrolysate.
PYROLYZATE n. a product of pyrolysis, also PYROLYSATE.
SCHWARZLOTschwarzlot n. A kind of black enamel decoration applied to glass etc.
SCHWARZLOT n. (German) a type of black enamel decoration on glass, porcelain etc.
SCLEROTIZEsclerotize v. Alternative spelling of sclerotise.
SCLEROTIZE v. to harden or darken, also SCLEROTISE.
TOTALIZERStotalizers n. Plural of totalizer.
TOTALIZER n. a system of betting in which the total amount staked is divided among the winners in proportion to the size of their stake, also TOTALISER.
VITRIOLIZEvitriolize v. (Transitive, dated) To convert into a vitriol; to vitriolate.
vitriolize v. (Transitive, dated) To injure (a person) with sulphuric acid, as by throwing it upon the face.
vitriolize v. (Transitive, dated) To poison with vitriol.
ZEALOTRIESzealotries n. Plural of zealotry.
ZEALOTRY n. the character or conduct of a zealot, also ZEALOTISM.
ZOOCULTUREzooculture n. The cultivation of animals.
ZOOCULTURE n. domestication of animals.
ZOOLATRIASZOOLATRIA n. worship of animals, also ZOOLATRY.
ZOOLATRIESZOOLATRY n. the worship of animals.
ZOOLATROUSzoolatrous adj. Animal-worshipping.
ZOOLATROUS adj. relating to zoolatry, the worship of animals.
ZOOSTEROLSzoosterols n. Plural of zoosterol.
ZOOSTEROL n. a sterol, such as cholesterol, of animal origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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