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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2L, M, N and P

AMPICILLINampicillin n. (Pharmacology) A semisynthetic form of penicillin C16H19N3O4S that is effective against gram-negative…
AMPICILLIN n. an improved form of penicillin taken by mouth.
COMPELLINGcompelling v. Present participle of compel.
compelling adj. Strongly or irresistibly evoking interest or attention.
compelling adj. Forceful.
EMPANELLEDempanelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
IMPANELLEDimpanelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
IMPELLENTSimpellents n. Plural of impellent.
IMPELLENT n. something with the quality of impelling.
MELLOPHONEmellophone n. A brass instrument frequently used in place of the French horn in marching bands and similar performance groups.
MELLOPHONE n. a brass wind instrument resembling the French horn.
MELPHALANSMELPHALAN n. an antineoplastic drug.
MULTIPLANEmultiplane adj. Consisting of several planes or surfaces.
multiplane n. An airplane having at least three superposed main planes.
multiplane n. A motion-picture camera used in traditional animation to move a number of pieces of artwork at various…
MULTIPLANTmultiplant adj. Of or pertaining to more than one plant (factory or industrial building).
MULTIPLANT adj. consisting of many plants.
PALLIAMENTpalliament n. (Obsolete) A dress; a robe.
PALLIAMENT n. (Shakespeare) a Roman consular candidate's robe.
PHILLUMENYphillumeny n. The hobby of collecting matchbox labels and other match-related items.
PHILLUMENY n. the hobby of collecting of matchbox labels.
POLYNOMIALpolynomial n. (Algebra, strict sense) An expression consisting of a sum of a finite number of terms, each term being…
polynomial n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic designation (such as of a subspecies) consisting of more than two terms.
polynomial adj. (Algebra) Able to be described or limited by a polynomial.
POMMELLINGpommelling v. Present participle of pommel.
POMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL.
PUMMELLINGpummelling v. Present participle of pummel.
pummelling n. A beating.
PUMMELLING n. a beating with the fists.
RAMPALLIANrampallian n. (Obsolete) A mean wretch; a low person.
RAMPALLIAN n. (Shakespeare) a mean wretch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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