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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2L, M and 2N

ENAMELLINGenamelling v. (Britain) present participle of enamel.
enamelling n. An application of enamel.
ENAMELLING n. the act of coating with enamel.
ENROLLMENTenrollment n. The act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled.
enrollment n. The people enrolled, considered as a group.
enrollment n. The number of people enrolled.
ILLUMINANTilluminant n. Something that illuminates.
illuminant adj. That illuminates.
ILLUMINANT n. that which illuminates or affords light; as, gas and petroleum are illuminants.
ILLUMININGillumining v. Present participle of illumine.
illumining n. Illumination.
ILLUMINE v. to throw light upon, also ENLUMINE.
MANZANILLAmanzanilla n. A pale, dry fino sherry.
manzanilla n. A kind of small roundish olive with a small freestone pit, a fine skin, and a somewhat bitter taste.
MANZANILLA n. (Spanish) a very dry, light sherry.
MILLENNIALmillennial adj. Referring to the 1,000th anniversary of an event or happening.
millennial adj. Occurring every thousand years.
millennial adj. Occurring at, or relating to, the end or beginning of a millennium.
MILLENNIUMmillennium n. A period of time consisting of one thousand years.
millennium n. (Christianity) The period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth (according to…
millennium n. A period of universal happiness, peace or prosperity; a utopia.
MINGLINGLYminglingly adv. So as to mingle.
MONOCLINALmonoclinal adj. (Geology) Having one oblique inclination; applied to strata that dip in only one direction from the axis of elevation.
MONOCLINAL adj. relating to a monocline.
MONOCLINAL n. a monocline.
MONOCLONALmonoclonal adj. (Biochemistry) genetically engineered from a single clone; used especially of a protein or antibody.
monoclonal n. (Immunochemistry) something produced from a single clone, especially a monoclonal antibody.
MONOCLONAL adj. derived from a single cell clone that can reproduce itself in vast quantities.
MULLIONINGmullioning v. Present participle of mullion.
mullioning n. An arrangement of mullions.
MULLION v. to provide the upright division between the panes of a window.
NOUMENALLYnoumenally adv. In relation to noumenon.
NOUMENAL adv. of or pertaining to the noumenon; real as opposed to phenomenal.
UNMANFULLYunmanfully adv. In an unmanful manner.
UNMANFUL adv. not manful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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