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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing L, 2T and X

BATTLEAXEbattleaxe n. Alternative spelling of battle axe.
battle-axe n. Alternative spelling of battle axe.
battle␣axe n. An ancient military weapon, an axe designed for combat, including (in heraldry) when borne on arms as…
EXTOLMENTextolment n. (Obsolete) Praise.
EXTOLMENT n. praise.
EXTRALITYextrality n. Extraterritoriality.
EXTRALITY n. the privilege of being outside the jurisdiction of the country one is in.
LETTERBOXletterbox n. (Chiefly UK) A box into which mail is put.
letterbox n. A hidden container that holds a logbook and rubber stamp, found by following clues as a form of recreation.
letterbox n. (Mountaineering) A rectangular hole or slot.
PLAINTEXTplaintext n. (Cryptography, computing) Alternative spelling of plain text.
plain␣text n. (Cryptography) Text or any data that is to be encrypted (as opposed to ciphertext).
plain␣text n. (Computing) Data which consists only of human-readable text, as opposed to machine-readable binary data…
RATTLEBOXrattlebox n. A toy that makes a rattle sound; a rattle.
rattlebox n. An American herb (Crotalaria sagittalis), whose ripe seeds rattle in the inflated pod.
rattlebox n. Any species of Crotalaria, a genus of yellow-flowered herbs, with inflated, many-seeded pods.
SEXTANTALsextantal adj. (Geometry) Of or relating to a sextant.
SEXTANTAL adj. relating to a sextant.
SEXTOLETSsextolets n. Plural of sextolet.
SEXTOLET n. a group of six notes performed in the time of four.
SEXTUPLETsextuplet n. A group of six objects.
sextuplet n. One of a group of six persons or animals born from the same mother during the same birth.
sextuplet n. (Music) A group of six notes played in the time of four.
TELETEXESteletexes n. Plural of teletex.
TELETEX n. a means of transmitting written data, a more advanced form of telex.
TELETEXTSTELETEXT n. a system by which an adapted television set is able to show alphanumeric information selected from displays transmitted using the spare capacity of existing television channels.
TELOTAXEStelotaxes n. Plural of telotaxis.
TELOTAXIS n. a taxis by which an organism orients itself in respect to a stimulus.
TELOTAXIStelotaxis n. (Biology) movement of an organism either toward or away from a stimulus.
TELOTAXIS n. a taxis by which an organism orients itself in respect to a stimulus.
TEXTORIALtextorial adj. Of or pertaining to weaving.
TEXTORIAL adj. (archaic) of or pertaining to weaving.
TEXTUALLYtextually adv. In a textual manner.
textually adv. Regarding text.
TEXTUAL adv. pertaining to a text.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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