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There are 17 nine-letter words containing L, R and 2Z

BLIZZARDSblizzards n. Plural of blizzard.
blizzards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blizzard.
Blizzards prop.n. Plural of Blizzard.
BLIZZARDYblizzardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a blizzard.
BLIZZARDY adj. like a blizzard.
DRIZZLIERdrizzlier adj. Comparative form of drizzly: more drizzly.
DRIZZLY adj. marked by light rain.
DRIZZLINGdrizzling v. Present participle of drizzle.
drizzling n. An amount of liquid that is drizzled.
DRIZZLE v. to rain lightly.
EMBEZZLERembezzler n. One who steals money they have been trusted with, especially from one’s employer; one who embezzles.
EMBEZZLER n. one who embezzles.
FRAZZLINGfrazzling v. Present participle of frazzle.
FRAZZLE v. to fray.
FRIZZLERSfrizzlers n. Plural of frizzler.
FRIZZLER n. one who frizzles.
FRIZZLIERfrizzlier adj. Comparative form of frizzly: more frizzly.
FRIZZLY adj. of hair, tightly curled, also FRIZZY.
FRIZZLINGfrizzling v. Present participle of frizzle.
FRIZZLE v. to curl hair tightly, also FRIZZ, FRIZ.
GRIZZLERSgrizzlers n. Plural of grizzler.
GRIZZLER n. a grumbler.
GRIZZLIERgrizzlier adj. Comparative form of grizzly: more grizzly.
GRIZZLY adj. greyish.
GRIZZLIESgrizzlies n. Plural of grizzly.
GRIZZLY n. a kind of large bear.
GRIZZLINGgrizzling v. Present participle of grizzle.
grizzling n. Grey coloration.
grizzling n. The act of one who grizzles; peevish whining.
LAZZARONElazzarone n. (Chiefly in the plural) One of the poorer classes of Neapolitans; a beggar.
LAZZARONE n. (Italian) a homeless idler of Naples who lives by chance work or begging.
LAZZARONIlazzaroni n. Plural of lazzarone.
LAZZARONE n. (Italian) a homeless idler of Naples who lives by chance work or begging.
SWIZZLERSswizzlers n. Plural of swizzler.
SWIZZLER n. one that swizzles, swindles.
ZARZUELASzarzuelas n. Plural of zarzuela.
ZARZUELA n. (Spanish) a traditional Spanish vaudeville show; a fish and shellfish stew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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