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There are 15 nine-letter words containing L, P, Q and U

APPLIQUEDappliqued v. Simple past tense and past participle of applique.
appliquéd v. Simple past tense and past participle of appliqué.
APPLIQUE v. to do applique work.
APPLIQUESappliques n. Plural of applique.
appliques v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of applique.
appliqués n. Plural of appliqué.
AQUAPLANEaquaplane n. A board ridden by a standing person and pulled by a motorboat for entertainment.
aquaplane v. To ride such a board.
aquaplane v. (Automotive, UK) For a car or similar vehicle to slide along the road on a thin film of water between…
PALANQUINpalanquin n. A covered type of litter for a stretched-out passenger, carried on four poles on the shoulders of four…
PALANQUIN n. (Malay) a light litter for one passenger, also PALANKEEN.
PASQUILERpasquiler n. One who lampoons.
PASQUILER n. a writer of pasquils, a lampooner.
PIQUANTLYpiquantly adv. In a piquant manner; with piquancy.
PIQUANT adv. having an agreeably sharp taste.
PIQUILLOSpiquillos n. Plural of piquillo.
PIQUILLO n. (Spanish) a variety of sweet red pepper.
PLAQUETTEplaquette n. A small metal tablet decorated in bas-relief, usually with a design including figures.
plaquette n. (Physics) The smallest closed loop, enclosing the region between four lattice sites, in lattice gauge theory.
PLAQUETTE n. (French) a small plaque.
PLASTIQUEplastique n. (Countable) A form of physical exercise that involves rotation of the joints.
plastique n. (Dated, uncountable) A plastic explosive.
PLASTIQUE n. (French) graceful poise and movements in dancing.
POLITIQUEpolitique n. (Chiefly derogatory) A politician, especially one seen as being unprincipled.
politique adj. Obsolete form of politic.
POLITIQUE n. (French) in French history, a member of a moderate party between Huguenots and Catholics.
QUADPLAYSquadplays n. Plural of quadplay.
quad␣plays n. Plural of quad play.
QUADPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also FOURPLAY.
QUADRUPLEquadruple adj. Being four times as long, as big or as many of something.
quadruple v. (Transitive) To multiply by four.
quadruple v. (Intransitive) To increase by a factor of four.
QUADRUPLYquadruply adv. Four times.
quadruply adv. In four (often different) ways.
QUADRUPLY n. (Scots) a reply to a triply.
QUINTUPLEquintuple adj. Having five parts or members.
quintuple adj. Five times as much.
quintuple adj. (Music) having five crotchets in a bar.
QUINTUPLYquintuply adv. In a quintuple way; five times or in five pieces, etc.
QUINTUPLY n. in Scots law, a reply made to a defendant's quadruply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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