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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing L, 2O and X

BOLLOXINGbolloxing v. Present participle of bollox.
BOLLOX v. to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BALLOCKS, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS.
COALBOXEScoalboxes n. Plural of coalbox.
COALBOX n. a box for storing coal.
EXOSPORALexosporal adj. Relating to an exospore.
EXOSPORAL adj. of or like an exospore, the extreme outer layer of a spore.
EXPLOSIONexplosion n. A violent release of energy (Sometimes mechanical, nuclear, or chemical.).
explosion n. A bursting due to pressure.
explosion n. The sound of an explosion.
FOWLPOXESFOWLPOX n. a virus disease of poultry.
FOXGLOVESfoxgloves n. Plural of foxglove.
fox-gloves n. Plural of fox-glove.
FOXGLOVE n. a tall plant with drooping bell-shaped flowers.
GOGGLEBOXgogglebox n. Alternative spelling of goggle box.
Gogglebox n. Alternative spelling of goggle box.
goggle-box n. Alternative form of goggle box.
LOCKBOXESlockboxes n. Plural of lockbox.
LOCKBOX n. a box that locks.
LOXODROMEloxodrome n. (Mathematics, nautical) A line on a surface (such as the Earth) that cuts all meridians at a constant…
LOXODROME n. a line on the globe equally oblique to all meridians.
LOXODROMYloxodromy n. The science of loxodromics.
LOXODROMY n. the art of sailing along rhumb-lines.
MONOXYLONmonoxylon n. A canoe or boat made from a single piece of timber.
MONOXYLON n. a canoe made from one log.
NALOXONESnaloxones n. Plural of naloxone.
NALOXONE n. a potent drug used as an antidote for various narcotics.
NOXIOUSLYnoxiously adv. In a noxious manner.
NOXIOUS adv. harmful to health.
POLYAXONSpolyaxons n. Plural of polyaxon.
POLYAXON n. a nerve cell with multiple branches.
POMPHOLYXpompholyx n. (Medicine) dyshidrosis.
pompholyx n. (Chemistry, obsolete) impure zinc oxide.
POMPHOLYX n. (Greek) a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles.
SEXOLOGICSEXOLOGIC adj. relating to sexology.
TOOLBOXEStoolboxes n. Plural of toolbox.
TOOLBOX n. a box for tools.
TOXOCARALTOXOCARAL adj. related to toxocara.
TOXOPHILYtoxophily n. The love of, or an addiction to, archery.
TOXOPHILY n. the sport of archery.
XYLOPHONExylophone n. (Music) Any musical instrument (percussion idiophone) made of wooden slats graduated so as to make the…
xylophone v. To play a xylophone or to play something else as though it was a xylophone.
xylophone v. To move above a ridged surface so as to hit every ridge, in a manner similar to playing quickly and…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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