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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing L, N, Q and T

ANTIQUELYantiquely adv. In an antique manner.
ANTIQUE adv. very old, also ANTICKE.
BLANQUETSblanquets n. Plural of blanquet.
BLANQUET n. (French) a variety of pear.
CLINQUANTclinquant adj. Glittery; gleaming; sparkling; dressed in, or overlaid with, tinsel finery.
clinquant n. Dutch metal.
clinquant n. Tinsel; glitter.
INQUIETLYinquietly adv. In an inquiet manner.
INQUIET adv. not quiet.
LIQUATINGliquating v. Present participle of liquate.
LIQUATE v. to separate or purify (metals) by heating to liquify certain components.
LIQUATIONliquation n. (Metallurgy) The partial melting of a mixture of metals or ores in order to separate components.
LIQUATION n. the act or operation of making or becoming liquid.
PIQUANTLYpiquantly adv. In a piquant manner; with piquancy.
PIQUANT adv. having an agreeably sharp taste.
QUANTALLYQUANTAL adv. of or pertaining to a quantum.
QUANTICALquantical adj. (Mathematics) Relating to quantics.
quantical adj. Quantum.
QUANTICAL adj. of or like a quantic, a homogeneous algebraic function of two or more variables.
QUANTILESquantiles n. Plural of quantile.
QUANTILE n. any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution.
QUEENLETSqueenlets n. Plural of queenlet.
QUEENLET n. a petty queen.
QUILTINGSquiltings n. Plural of quilting.
QUILTING n. the act of making quilts.
QUINTILESquintiles n. Plural of quintile.
QUINTILE n. a frequency distribution.
QUINTUPLEquintuple adj. Having five parts or members.
quintuple adj. Five times as much.
quintuple adj. (Music) having five crotchets in a bar.
QUINTUPLYquintuply adv. In a quintuple way; five times or in five pieces, etc.
QUINTUPLY n. in Scots law, a reply made to a defendant's quadruply.
SEQUENTLYSEQUENT adv. following.
UNQUIETLYunquietly adv. In an unquiet manner.
UNQUIET adv. not quiet, restless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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