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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing L, M, T and V

DEMIVOLTdemivolt n. A half vault; one of the seven artificial motions of a horse, in which he raises his forelegs in a particular manner.
DEMIVOLT n. a half turn made by a horse, also DEMIVOLTE.
LAVEMENTlavement n. A washing or bathing.
lavement n. A clyster.
LAVEMENT n. a washing or bathing; a clyster.
MAZELTOVmazeltov interj. Alternative spelling of mazel tov.
mazel␣tov interj. (In a Jewish context) Used to express congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings.
mazel␣tov interj. (Chiefly in non-Jewish contexts) Used to sarcastically express congratulations for an unimpressive accomplishment…
MEGAVOLTmegavolt n. One million (106) volts, abbreviated as MV.
mega-volt n. One million ( 106 ) volts, abbreviated as MV.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
OVERMELTovermelt v. (Transitive) To melt too much.
OVERMELT v. to melt too much.
TWELVEMOtwelvemo n. (Paper) duodecimo, or 12mo, a paper size, so called because it is cut 12 to a (huge, originally made) sheet.
twelvemo n. (Printing) a page, book etc. of that size.
TWELVEMO n. a paper size, aka duodecimo.
VAMPLATEvamplate n. A round of iron on the shaft of a tilting lance, to stabilize and protect the hand.
VAMPLATE n. a hand guard.
VITALISMvitalism n. The doctrine that life involves some immaterial "vital force", and cannot be explained scientifically.
VITALISM n. the philosophical doctrine that life processes are not entirely explicable, or bound, by scientific laws.
VOLTAISMvoltaism n. (Obsolete) galvanism.
VOLTAISM n. electricity produced by chemical action.
VOLUMISTvolumist n. The author of a volume.
VOLUMIST n. an author.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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