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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing L, 2M and P

BEPOMMELbepommel v. (Transitive) To pommel; to beat, as with a stick.
bepommel v. (Transitive, figuratively) To assail or criticise in conversation, or in writing.
BEPOMMEL v. to pommel soundly.
EMPLUMEDemplumed adj. Decorated with plumes; plumed.
EMPLUME v. (archaic) to provide with a plume.
EMPLUMESemplumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emplume.
EMPLUME v. (archaic) to provide with a plume.
EXEMPLUMexemplum n. An example.
exemplum n. A story demonstrating a moral point; a parable.
EXEMPLUM n. (Latin) a short story or anecdote with a moral.
LYMPHOMAlymphoma n. (Oncology, pathology) A malignant tumor that arises in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue.
LYMPHOMA n. a tumor having a structure resembling that of a lymphatic gland.
MILLIAMPmilliamp n. One thousandth (10-3) of an ampere, abbreviated as mA.
milli-amp n. One thousandth (10-3) of an ampere. Symbol: mA.
MILLIAMP n. one thousandth of an ampere.
PLIMMINGplimming v. Present participle of plim.
PLIM v. to swell, as grain or wood with water.
PLUMBISMplumbism n. (Medicine) A diseased condition, produced by the absorption of lead, common among workers in this metal…
PLUMBISM n. lead poisoning.
PLUMBUMSPLUMBUM n. (obsolete) lead.
PLUMMESTplummest adj. Superlative form of plum: most plum (most lavish or preferred).
PLUM adj. plum coloured; choice.
PLUMMETSplummets n. Plural of plummet.
plummets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plummet.
PLUMMET v. to drop straight down.
PLUMMIERplummier adj. Comparative form of plummy: more plummy.
PLUMMY adj. full of plums.
POMMELEDpommeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pommel.
pommeled adj. (Often in combination) Having a pommel.
POMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL.
PUMMELEDpummeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pummel.
PUMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also POMMEL.
PUMMELOSpummelos n. Plural of pummelo.
SIMPLISMsimplism n. The trait of oversimplifying things by ignoring complexity and complications.
SIMPLISM n. affected simplicity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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