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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2L and 2M

CLAMMILYclammily adv. In a clammy manner.
CLAMMY adv. unpleasantly damp.
FLAMMULEflammule n. A little flame or flame-like pattern.
FLAMMULE n. a little flame.
FLIMFLAMflimflam n. Alternative form of flim-flam.
flimflam v. To swindle or cheat.
flim-flam n. Misinformation; bunkum; false information presented as true.
LIMBMEALlimbmeal adv. (Archaic) Into pieces; limb from limb.
limb-meal adv. (Archaic) Alternative form of limbmeal.
LIMBMEAL adv. (Shakespeare) piecemeal, limb by limb.
MACALLUMMacallum prop.n. A surname.
MACALLUM n. (Scots) a dish of vanilla ice-cream topped with raspberry sauce.
MAMILLAEmamillae n. Plural of mamilla.
MAMILLA n. (Latin) the nipple of the mammary gland, also MAMMILLA.
MAMILLARmamillar adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a mamilla.
MAMILLAR adj. relating to the nipple, also MAMILLARY.
MAMMILLAmammilla n. (Anatomy) The nipple.
MAMMILLA n. (Latin) the nipple of the mammary gland, also MAMILLA.
MAMSELLEmamselle n. Alternative form of mamzelle.
Mam'selle prop.n. Shortened form of Mademoiselle.
MAMSELLE n. (French) a form of address for a woman teacher.
MEGAMALLmegamall n. A very large mall (shopping centre).
MEGAMALL n. a very large shopping mall.
MILLDAMSmilldams n. Plural of milldam.
mill␣dams n. Plural of mill dam.
MILLDAM n. a dam built to form a millpond.
MILLIAMPmilliamp n. One thousandth (10-3) of an ampere, abbreviated as mA.
milli-amp n. One thousandth (10-3) of an ampere. Symbol: mA.
MILLIAMP n. one thousandth of an ampere.
MILLIEMEmillieme n. Alternative form of millime.
MILLIEME n. (French) a coin representing one thousandth of the basic unit of currency, as in Egypt.
MILLIMESmillimes n. Plural of millime.
MILLIME n. a monetary unit of Tunisia.
MILLIMHOmillimho n. A former unit of electric conductance, one thousandth of a mho.
MILLIMHO n. a unit of electrical conductance, one thousandth of a mho.
MILLIOHMmilliohm n. One thousandth (10-3) of an ohm, abbreviated as mΩ.
milli-ohm n. Alternative spelling of milliohm.
MILLIOHM n. a unit of electrical resistance.
MILLIREMmillirem n. One thousandth of a rem.
MILLIREM n. a quantity of ionizing radiation, one thousandth of a rem.
MINIMILLminimill n. (Business) A small mill, especially a steel mill using electric-arc furnaces only for steelmaking.
MINIMILL n. a small-scale steel mill.
MULMULLSmulmulls n. Plural of mulmull.
MULMULL n. (Hindi) a fine, soft muslin, also MULMUL.
SMALMILYSMALMY adv. (obsolete) oily, ingratiating, also SMARMY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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