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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 3L and T

CLITELLAclitella n. Plural of clitellum.
CLITELLUM n. (Latin) a region in the body walls of certain annelid worms.
CLOTPOLLclotpoll n. Alternative form of clodpole.
CLOTPOLL n. (Shakespeare) a fool, also CLODPOLE, CLODPOLL.
FLOTILLAflotilla n. (Nautical) A small fleet of warships (usually of the same class), or a fleet of small ships.
FLOTILLA n. a fleet of ships.
LATILLASLATILLA n. a peeled limb used in ceilings.
LAYSTALLlaystall n. (Now historical) A place where rubbish, dung, etc., are laid or deposited.
laystall n. (Obsolete) A place where milk-giving cows are kept, or cattle on the way to market are lodged.
LAYSTALL n. a place for depositing dung.
LETHALLYlethally adv. In a lethal manner, in manner which is or will be fatal.
LETHAL adv. causing death.
LILLIPUTlilliput n. Any of various small freshwater mussels of the genus Toxolasma, found mainly in the southeastern United States.
Lilliput prop.n. (Fiction) An imaginary island populated by tiny people, in the book Gulliver’s Travels.
Lilliput prop.n. (By extension) A generic name of a fictional country, sometimes contrasted with a counterpart Brobdingnag or Blefuscu.
LOTHFULLlothfull adj. Obsolete form of loathful.
LOTHFULL adj. (Spenser) reluctant, also LOATHFUL, LOTHEFULL.
MILLTAILmill␣tail n. The water that flows from a millwheel after turning it, or the channel in which the water flows.
MILLTAIL n. the channel in which water runs away below a millstream, aka tailrace.
PELLETALpelletal adj. In the form of pellets.
PELLETAL adj. resembling a pellet.
TELLABLEtellable adj. That may be told.
TELLABLE adj. able to be told.
TELLTALEtelltale n. One who divulges private information with intent to hurt others.
telltale n. (UK, US, slang) Tattletale; squealer.
telltale n. An indicator, such as a warning light, that serves to warn of a hazard or problem.
TELLURALtellural adj. Of or pertaining to the earth.
TELLURAL adj. of or pertaining to the earth, also TELLURIC.
TILLABLEtillable adj. (Of land) able to be tilled or ploughed; arable.
TILLABLE adj. able to be tilled.
TOLLABLEtollable adj. Subject to the payment of a toll.
TOLLABLE adj. subject to toll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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