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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 3L and R

BALLGIRLballgirl n. Alternative spelling of ball girl.
ball␣girl n. (Sports) A female responsible for getting the balls from off the area of play to the players.
BALLGIRL n. a girl who retrieves balls during a game.
BLOGROLLblogroll n. (Internet) A blogger’s list of hyperlinks to other blogs that he/she recommends.
blog␣roll n. Alternative spelling of blogroll.
BLOGROLL n. a list of blogs.
CELLULARcellular adj. Of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells.
cellular n. (US, informal) A cellular phone (mobile phone).
CELLULAR adj. pertaining to a cell.
FLORALLYflorally adv. In a floral way; with flowers or something that suggests them.
FLORAL adv. relating to flowers.
LABELLERlabeller n. Alternative spelling of labeler.
LABELLER n. one that labels, also LABELER.
LAMELLARlamellar adj. Of or pertaining to a lamella, plate-like, flat and thin.
LAMELLAR adj. flat and thin; composed of lamellae.
LEAFROLLleafroll n. A viral condition of certain plants, such as potato plants and grapevines, in which new leaves curl…
LEAFROLL n. a virus disease of potatoes.
LEVELLERleveller adj. (British spelling) comparative form of level: more level.
leveller n. A person or thing that levels.
leveller n. Something that transcends people’s differences (Such as social class, wealth, etc.); something that…
LIBELLERlibeller n. One who libels.
LIBELLER n. one that libels, also LIBELER, LIBELIST.
LOGROLLSlogrolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of logroll.
LOGROLL v. to obtain passage of by exchanging political favours.
LORRELLSLORRELL n. (Spenser) a good for nothing fellow, also LOREL, LOSEL, LOZELL.
LOYALLERloyaller adj. Comparative form of loyal: more loyal.
LOYAL adj. faithful.
PARALLELparallel adj. Equally distant from one another at all points.
parallel adj. Having the same overall direction; the comparison is indicated with "to".
parallel adj. (Hyperbolic geometry, said of a pair of lines) Either not intersecting, or coinciding.
PLURALLYplurally adv. In a plural manner or fashion.
PLURAL adv. more than one.
ROLLABLErollable adj. Capable of rolling or being rolled.
ROLLABLE adj. able to be rolled.
TELLURALtellural adj. Of or pertaining to the earth.
TELLURAL adj. of or pertaining to the earth, also TELLURIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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