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There are 14 seven-letter words containing L, R and 2Z

DAZZLERdazzler n. One who or that which dazzles; something spectacular.
DAZZLER n. a remarkable or excellent thing or person.
DRIZZLEdrizzle v. (Impersonal) To rain lightly.
drizzle v. (Transitive, intransitive) To shed slowly in minute drops or particles.
drizzle v. (Cooking, transitive) To pour slowly and evenly, especially oil or honey in cooking.
DRIZZLYdrizzly adj. Abounding with drizzle; drizzling.
DRIZZLY adj. marked by light rain.
FRAZZLEfrazzle v. (Transitive) To fray or wear down, especially at the edges.
frazzle v. (Transitive) To drain emotionally or physically.
frazzle n. (Informal) A burnt fragment; a cinder or crisp.
FRIZZLEfrizzle v. (Transitive) To fry something until crisp and curled.
frizzle v. (Transitive) To scorch.
frizzle v. (Intransitive) To fry noisily, sizzle.
FRIZZLYfrizzly adj. Having small, tight curls; frizzy.
FRIZZLY adj. of hair, tightly curled, also FRIZZY.
GRIZZLEgrizzle n. A dark grey colour.
grizzle n. Grey hair.
grizzle n. A grey wig.
GRIZZLYgrizzly adj. Grey-haired, greyish.
grizzly adj. Misspelling of grisly.
grizzly n. A grizzly bear.
GUZZLERguzzler n. Somebody or something which guzzles.
guzzler n. A device placed in arid regions to catch water for wildlife to drink from.
GUZZLER n. an immoderate eater or drinker.
MUZZLERmuzzler n. One who or that which muzzles.
muzzler n. A pickpocket working individually, apart from their normal gang.
muzzler n. (Nautical) A wind from the intended direction of the vessel.
NUZZLERnuzzler n. One who nuzzles.
NUZZLER n. one who nuzzles.
PUZZLERpuzzler n. A puzzling situation or problem; an enigma.
puzzler n. (Video games) A video game in which the player is presented with (usually abstract) puzzles to solve.
puzzler n. A person who solves puzzles as a hobby.
RAZZLESrazzles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of razzle.
RAZZLE n. a rowdy drinking spree.
SIZZLERsizzler n. One who, or that which, sizzles.
sizzler n. (Slang) A person who is very sexually attractive.
sizzler n. An Indian dish of meat and vegetables served sizzling on a hot plate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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