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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing L, 2R and Y

ARRAYALarrayal n. (Archaic) The way something is arrayed or laid out.
ARRAYAL n. the act of arraying.
FRIARLYfriarly adj. Befitting a friar.
FRIARLY adj. resembling or characteristic of a friar.
FURRILYfurrily adv. In a furry manner.
FURRY adv. covered in fur.
LIBRARYlibrary n. An institution which holds books and/or other forms of media for use by the public or qualified people…
library n. (By extension) Any institution that lends out its goods for use by the public or a community.
library n. A collection of books or other forms of stored information.
MERRILYmerrily adv. In a cheerful or merry way.
MERRY adv. mirthful, also MERRIE.
MYRRHOLmyrrhol n. The volatile oil of myrrh.
MYRRHOL n. the volatile oil of myrrh.
ORDERLYorderly adj. Neat and tidy; possessing order.
orderly adj. Methodical or systematic.
orderly adj. Peaceful; well-behaved.
PRIORLYpriorly adv. (Archaic) previously.
PRIOR adv. previous.
PYRROLEpyrrole n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing a ring of four carbon…
PYRROLE n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROL.
PYRROLSpyrrols n. Plural of pyrrol.
PYRROL n. a colourless toxic liquid found in many naturally occurring compounds, e.g. chlorophyll, also PYRROLE.
REVELRYrevelry n. Joyful or riotous merry-making.
REVELRY n. noisy merrymaking.
RIFLERYriflery n. The practice of firing a rifle, especially in precision target shooting.
RIFLERY n. the practice of shooting at targets with a rifle.
RIVALRYrivalry n. An ongoing relationship between (usually two) rivals who compete for superiority.
rivalry n. (Economics) The characteristic of being a rivalrous good, such that it can be consumed or used by only…
rivalry n. Any competition between two or more things or factors.
RURALLYrurally adv. In a rural way.
rurally adv. In a rural place; in the countryside.
RURAL adv. belonging to the countryside.
SORRILYsorrily adv. In a sorry manner; poorly.
SORRY adv. feeling regret or grief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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