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There are 12 seven-letter words containing L, N, Q and U

AQUILONAquilon prop.n. The Roman god of the North Wind, equivalent to the Greek god Boreas.
Aquilon prop.n. The north wind personified.
AQUILON n. (Shakespeare) the north wind.
EQUINALequinal adj. (Obsolete) equine.
EQUINAL adj. pertaining to horses.
JONQUILjonquil n. A fragrant bulb flower (Narcissus jonquilla), a species of daffodil.
jonquil n. A shade of yellow.
Jonquil prop.n. (Rare) A female given name from English.
QUANTALquantal adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to a quantum.
quantal adj. (Physics) Quantized.
quantal adj. (Biology, of a response) All-or-none.
QUEENLYqueenly adj. Having the status, rank or qualities of a queen; regal.
queenly adv. In a queenly manner; regally.
QUEENLY adj. like a queen.
QUIBLINQUIBLIN n. (obsolete) a quibble, also QUILLET.
QUILLONquillon n. The guard of a sword or other bladed weapon designed to protect the hand from harm.
quillon n. Either of the two arms of such a guard.
QUILLON n. (French) the arm of the cross-guard of a sword handle.
QUINELAquinela n. (Gambling) Alternative form of quiniela.
QUINELA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELLA, QUINIELA.
QUINOLSquinols n. Plural of quinol.
QUINOL n. a reducing agent obtained from quinone.
QUINTALquintal n. (Historical) Synonym of hundredweight, 100 or 112 English or American pounds.
quintal n. (Historical) Various other similar units of weight in other systems.
quintal n. An unofficial metric unit equal to 100 kg.
QUODLINquodlin n. Obsolete form of codling (“apple”).
QUODLIN n. a variety of elongated apple, also CODLIN, CODLING.
UNEQUALunequal adj. Not the same.
unequal adj. Out of balance.
unequal adj. (Comparable) Inadequate; insufficiently capable or qualified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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