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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing L, N, O and X

ALLOXANalloxan n. (Biochemistry) An oxidation product of uric acid, 2,4,5,6(1H,3H)-pyrimidinetetrone, capable of inducing…
ALLOXAN n. an oxidation product of uric acid, of a pale reddish color, readily soluble in water or alcohol.
CLAXONSclaxons n. Plural of claxon.
CLAXON n. a low-pitched horn.
CONFLUXconflux n. A merger of rivers, or the place where rivers merge.
conflux n. A convergence or moving gathering of forces, people, or things.
CONFLUX n. a flowing together of streams.
FLEXIONflexion n. The act of bending a joint, especially a bone joint; the counteraction of extension.
flexion n. The state of being bent or flexed.
flexion n. Deviation from straightness.
FLUXIONfluxion n. (Obsolete, mathematics) The derivative of a function.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) The action of flowing.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) A difference or variation.
INDOXYLindoxyl n. (Organic chemistry) A hydroxyl derivative of indole produced by bacterial degradation of indoleacetic acid.
INDOXYL n. a nitrogenous substance obtained as an oily liquid.
KLAXONSklaxons n. Plural of klaxon.
KLAXON v. to sound a klaxon.
LEXICONlexicon n. The vocabulary of a language.
lexicon n. (Lexicography, linguistics) A dictionary that includes or focuses on lexemes.
lexicon n. A dictionary of Classical Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or Aramaic.
LOXYGENloxygen n. Liquid oxygen.
LOXYGEN n. liquid oxygen, also LOX.
OXLANDSoxlands n. Plural of oxland.
OXLAND n. as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGANG, OXGATE.
XYLENOLxylenol n. (Organic chemistry) An arene compound with two methyl groups and a hydroxyl group.
XYLENOL n. a synthetic resin derived from xylene.
XYLOGENxylogen n. Nascent wood; wood cells in a forming state.
XYLOGEN n. (Greek) a woody tissue in trees or plants, also XYLEM.
XYLONICxylonic adj. Relating to xylonic acid or its derivatives.
XYLONIC adj. pertaining to an acid obtained by oxidizing xylose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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