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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing L, M and 2R

LARMIERlarmier n. (Anatomy) A tearpit.
larmier n. (Architecture) A horizontal stringcourse for preventing rain from trickling down a wall.
LARMIER n. (French) a corona or other course serving as a dripstone.
LORIMERlorimer n. (Obsolete) A person who makes the bits and other metal parts of a horse’s bridle, and other small metal pieces.
Lorimer prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
LORIMER n. a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles, also LORINER.
MARBLERmarbler n. Someone who works with marble.
marbler n. An artist who creates marbled papers.
MARBLER n. one who works upon marble or other stone.
MARLIERmarlier adj. Comparative form of marly: more marly.
MARLY adj. abounding with marl.
MARRELSMARRELS n. a rustic game, aka fivepenny morris, also MERELLS, MERELS, MERILS.
MERRILYmerrily adv. In a cheerful or merry way.
MERRY adv. mirthful, also MERRIE.
MIRLIERMIRLY adj. marbled.
MORRELLMorrell prop.n. A surname.
MORRELL n. (Native Australian) a tall eucalyptus of SW Australia.
MORULARmorular adj. Relating to a morula.
MORULAR adj. of or like a morula, a solid spherical mass of cells resulting from the cleavage of an ovum.
MURLIERMURLY adj. (Scots) crumbly.
MYRRHOLmyrrhol n. The volatile oil of myrrh.
MYRRHOL n. the volatile oil of myrrh.
RAMBLERrambler n. A recreational walker, a hiker.
rambler n. One who rambles.
rambler n. (US) A ranch-style house.
RAMULARramular adj. Relating to a ramulus.
RAMULAR adj. of a branch.
RUMBLERrumbler n. One who, or that which, rumbles.
rumbler n. (Obsolete, slang) A four-wheeled horse-drawn cab.
RUMBLER n. a machine for peeling potatoes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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