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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 3L and Y

ALLYLICallylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Containing an allyl group, an alkene hydrocarbon group with the formula H2C=CH-CH…
ALLYLIC adj. of or like an allyl, a kind of organic radical.
GALLFLYgallfly n. Any of various flies which produce galls.
GALLFLY n. an insect that causes galls by depositing its eggs in plants.
JOLLILYjollily adv. In a jolly manner.
JOLLY adv. mirthful.
LEGALLYlegally adv. As permitted by law; not contrary to law.
legally adv. From a legal perspective.
LEGAL adv. according to law.
LEVELLYlevelly adv. In a level or even manner.
LEVEL adv. even.
LOCALLYlocally adv. With respect to place; in place.
locally adv. In or from the local area.
locally adv. (Medicine) In a restricted part of the body.
LOLLOPYlollopy adj. Moving with a lollop.
LOLLOPY adj. given to lolloping.
LOWLILYlowlily adv. In a lowly way.
LOWLY adv. in a low position or rank.
LOYALLYloyally adv. In a loyal manner, faithfully.
LOYAL adv. faithful.
LULLABYlullaby n. A cradlesong, a soothing song to calm children or lull them to sleep.
lullaby v. (Transitive) To sing a lullaby to.
LULLABY v. to lull to sleep with a soothing song.
SILLILYsillily adv. (Dated or hypercorrect) In a silly manner; foolishly.
SILLY adv. showing a lack of common sense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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