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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing L, 2T and Y

BLOTTYblotty adj. Characterised or ridden with blots or blemishes.
BLOTTY adj. smudged.
CLOTTYclotty adj. Full of clots, or clods.
CLOTTY adj. tending to clot.
FLATTYflatty n. (Regional, slang) A flatfish.
flatty n. (Australia, slang) A flathead (fish).
flatty n. (Slang) A flat tire/tyre.
KITTLYKITTLY adj. (Scots) ticklish, delicate.
LYTTAElyttae n. Plural of lytta.
LYTTA n. (Greek) a fibrous band in the tongue of certain carnivorous mammals.
LYTTASLYTTA n. (Greek) a fibrous band in the tongue of certain carnivorous mammals.
NETTLYnettly adj. Of, resembling, or overgrown with nettles.
NETTLY adj. like a nettle.
PLOTTYplotty adj. (Informal, of a book, film, story) Having a complicated plot.
PLOTTY adj. full of intrigue, as a novel.
PLOTTY n. a spiced hot drink, such as mulled wine, also PLOTTIE.
RATTLYrattly adj. That rattles.
rattly adj. Resembling the sound of a rattle.
rattly adj. Of a vehicle, that shakes when being driven.
SLITTYslitty adj. Slitlike.
SLITTY adj. of an opening, long and narrow.
SLUTTYslutty adj. (Informal) Of, resembling, or suitable for, a slut.
SLUTTY adj. characteristic of a slut.
STILTYstilty adj. (Archaic) pompous.
stilty adj. (Of a gait) uneven, as if walking on stilts.
stilty adj. Resembling stilts.
STYLETstylet n. An engraving tool, a stylus.
stylet n. (Botany) A style of a plant’s flower.
stylet n. (Surgery) A slender medical probe or device.
SUTTLYsuttly adv. Obsolete form of subtly.
SUTTLY adv. (Milton) subtly.
TARTLYtartly adv. In a tart manner; sourly or bitterly.
TART adv. sharp tasting.
TAUTLYtautly adv. In a taut manner, tightly, tensely.
TAUT adv. stretched tight.
TETRYLtetryl n. (Organic chemistry) The explosive 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl-N-methylnitramine produced by the nitration of dimethylaniline.
TETRYL n. a yellow crystalline explosive.
TITELYTITE adv. (obsolete) promptly, at once, also TYTE.
TROTYLtrotyl n. Trinitrotoluene, TNT.
TROTYL n. an explosive, aka trinitrotoluene.
TYLOTEtylote n. A cylindrical spicule, knobbed at both ends.
TYLOTE n. a cylindrical sponge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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