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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing L, 2S and V

SALVESsalves n. Plural of salve.
SALVE v. to soothe.
SALVOSsalvos n. Plural of salvo.
Salvos n. (Australia) The Salvation Army.
SALVO v. to discharge firearms simultaneously.
SELVASselvas n. Plural of selva.
Selvas prop.n. Plural of Selva.
SELVA n. (Spanish) a wet forest in the Amazon basin.
SELVESselves n. Plural of self.
-selves suff. Used in forming intensive and reflexive forms of the plural personal pronouns.
-selves suff. Plural of -self.
SILVASsilvas n. Plural of silva.
Silvas prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
SILVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SYLVA.
SLAVESslaves n. Plural of slave.
slaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of slave.
Slaves n. Plural of Slave.
SLIVESslives n. Plural of slive.
slives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of slive.
SLIVE v. to slip.
SOLVESsolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of solve.
SOLVE v. to find the answer to.
SYLVASsylvas n. Plural of sylva.
SYLVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SILVA.
VALSESvalses n. Plural of valse.
VALSE v. (French) to waltz.
VASSALvassal n. (Historical, law) The grantee of a fief, a subordinate granted use of a superior’s land and its income…
vassal n. (Historical) Any direct subordinate bound by such vows to a superior.
vassal n. (Figurative) Any subordinate bound by similar close ties.
VESSELvessel n. (Nautical) Any craft designed for transportation on water, such as a ship or boat.
vessel n. A craft designed for transportation through air or space.
vessel n. (Uncountable, obsolete or dialectal) Dishes and cutlery collectively, especially if made of precious metals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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