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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing L, P and 2U

CUPFULcupful n. The amount necessary to fill a cup.
cupful n. A half pint, i.e. eight ounces.
CUPFUL n. as much as a cup can hold.
CUPULAcupula n. A cup-shaped or dome-shaped object.
cupula n. (Anatomy) A moveable object in the ampullae of the ear’s semicircular canals that is involved in sensing…
CUPULA n. (Latin) a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULE.
CUPULEcupule n. Any small structure shaped like a cup, such as at the base of an acorn, or the sucker on the feet of some flies.
CUPULE n. a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULA.
LUPOUSlupous adj. Affected with or pertaining to lupus.
LUPOUS adj. pertaining to lupus, a skin disease.
OPULUSOPULUS n. (Latin) the guelder-rose.
PULLUPpullup n. An exercise done for strengthening the arms and upper body, in which one lifts one’s own weight while…
pullup n. (Electronics) A pullup resistor.
pull-up n. An exercise done for strengthening the arms and back in which one lifts one’s own weight while hanging…
PULLUSpullus n. (Zoology) A chick; a young bird in the downy stage.
PULLUS n. a chick or young bird.
PULQUEpulque n. A milk-colored, somewhat viscous Mexican alcoholic drink made from the fermented sap of certain agave plants.
PULQUE n. (Nahuatl) a fermented Mexican beverage made from agave.
PULTUNpultun n. Alternative form of puttun (“Indian regiment”).
PULTUN n. (Hindi) an Indian regiment, also PULTAN, PULTON, PULTOON.
UNPLUGunplug v. (Transitive) To disconnect from a supply, especially an electrical socket.
unplug v. (Intransitive) To stop using electronic devices, especially for relaxation or to reduce stress.
unplug v. (Transitive) To remove a blockage from (especially a water pipe or drain).
UPCURLupcurl v. (Transitive, rare) To curl up.
upcurl n. An upward curl.
UPCURL v. to curl up.
UPFURLupfurl v. (Intransitive, poetic) To furl upward.
UPFURL v. to roll up.
UPHURLuphurl v. (Transitive) To hurl or cast up.
UPHURL v. to hurl up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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