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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing L, O, W and Y

BLOWBYblowby n. Alternative spelling of blow-by.
blow-by n. (Automotive) In an internal combustion engine, any burnt or unburnt matter escaping from the cylinder…
BLOWBY n. leakage of exhaust fumes.
BLOWSYblowsy adj. Having a reddish, coarse complexion, especially with a pudgy face.
blowsy adj. (Chiefly of a woman’s hair or dress) Slovenly or unkempt, in the manner of a beggar or slattern.
blowsy adj. Unrefined, countrified.
BLOWZYblowzy adj. Alternative spelling of blowsy.
BLOWZY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOUSY, BLOWSY.
GROWLYgrowly adj. Resembling the sound of a growl; throaty.
growly adj. Tending to growl.
GROWLY adj. deep and harsh in speech.
LOGWAYlogway n. An engineered route for transporting logs over a dam.
LOGWAY n. a ramp used in logging.
LOWBOYlowboy n. A low chest of drawers.
lowboy n. (Trucking): A semi-trailer designed for hauling vehicles and other mobile equipment, with two drops…
LOWBOY n. a low chest of drawers.
LOWERYlowery adj. Dark and gloomy; threatening; lowering.
Lowery prop.n. A surname.
LOWERY adj. cloudy, gloomy, lowering, also LOURY.
OILWAYoilway n. An aperture or conduit for oil.
OILWAY n. a channel for the passage of oil.
OWELTYowelty n. (Law) equality.
OWELTY n. equality.
OWLERYowlery n. (Zoology) An abode or a haunt of owls.
OWLERY n. a place inhabited by owls.
SLOWLYslowly adv. (Manner) At a slow pace.
SLOW adv. moving with little speed.
TOWNLYtownly adj. (Rare) Characteristic of a town or its inhabitants.
TOWNLY adj. townish.
WHOLLYwholly adv. Completely and entirely; to the fullest extent.
wholly adv. Exclusively and solely.
WHOLE adv. entire.
WOBBLYwobbly adj. Unsteady and tending to wobble.
wobbly n. Alternative spelling of Wobbly.
wobbly n. (Colloquial, chiefly Britain) A wobbler; a fit of rage; a tantrum.
WOOLLYwoolly adj. Made of wool.
woolly adj. Having a thick, soft texture, as if made of wool.
woolly adj. (Figuratively, of thinking, principles, etc.) Based on emotions rather than logic.
YELLOWyellow adj. Having yellow as its color.
yellow adj. (Informal) Lacking courage.
yellow adj. (Publishing, journalism) Characterized by sensationalism, lurid content, and doubtful accuracy.
YOWLEDyowled v. Simple past tense and past participle of yowl.
YOWL v. to howl, esp. of a wolf, also YOW.
YOWLERyowler n. Someone who or something which yowls.
YOWLER n. one who yowls.
YOWLEYyowley n. (Dated, UK, dialect) The European yellowhammer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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