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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing L, N, O and V

CLOVENcloven v. Past participle of cleave.
cloven adj. Split, sundered, or divided.
CLOVEN adj. split.
ELEVONelevon n. (Aviation) A movable surface at the trailing edge of a tailless airplane (such as the space shuttle)…
ELEVON n. a hinged flap on the trailing edge of a delta wing, taking the place of both aileron and elevator in a conventional aircraft.
LENVOYlenvoy n. (Poetry) An envoi.
LENVOY n. an envoy.
LOVINGloving n. The action of the verb to love.
loving adj. Expressing a large amount of love to other people; affectionate.
loving v. Present participle of love.
NOVELSnovels n. Plural of novel.
NOVEL n. a fictional prose narrative.
SLOVENsloven n. A habitually dirty or untidy man or boy; the male equivalent of slattern, or slut.
sloven n. A low, base, lewd person.
sloven n. (Obsolete) An immoral woman.
UNLOVEunlove n. The lack, absence, or omission of love; lovelessness; enmity; neglect; hate.
unlove v. (Transitive) To lose one’s love (for someone or something).
UNLOVE v. to cease to love.
VELLONvellon n. (Historical, often attributive) An old Spanish coin made from copper-based billon.
VELLON n. (Spanish) a copper and silver alloy used in Spanish coinage.
VIOLINviolin n. A small unfretted stringed instrument with four strings tuned (lowest to highest) G-D-A-E, usually held…
violin n. (Inexact, sometimes proscribed) Any instrument of the violin family, always inclusive of violins, violas…
violin n. (Music, metonymically) The position of a violinist in an orchestra or group.
VOLANTvolant adj. (Heraldry) Having extended wings as if flying.
volant adj. (Heraldry) Represented as unsupported in the air.
volant adj. Flying, or able to fly.
VOLENSvolens adj. (Law) In the state of mind where one voluntarily accepts a specific risk.
VOLENS adv. (Latin) consenting to the risk of injury.
VOLINGvoling v. Present participle of vole.
VOLE v. to win all tricks in a card game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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