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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing L, M, N and S

LEMANSlemans n. Plural of leman.
Lemans prop.n. Plural of Leman.
Lemans prop.n. A surname from English.
LEMONSlemons n. Plural of lemon.
lemons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lemon.
LEMON v. to flavour with the juice of a citrus fruit.
LIMANSlimans n. Plural of liman.
Limans n. Plural of Liman.
LIMAN n. (Russian) a lagoon at the mouth of an estuary where slime is deposited.
LIMENSlimens n. Plural of limen.
LIMEN n. (Latin) a threshold, a limit below which a stimulus becomes imperceptible.
LINUMSLINUM n. (Latin) a plant of the flax family.
LUMENSlumens n. Plural of lumen.
LUMEN n. (Latin) a unit of luminous flux.
MANULSmanuls n. Plural of manul.
MANUL n. (Mongolian) a kind of Central Asian wild cat.
MASLINmaslin n. A mixture composed of different materials; especially…
maslin adj. Composed of different sorts.
MELONSmelons n. Plural of melon.
melons n. (Slang, in the plural) Breasts.
MELON n. any of several juicy, edible gourds.
MENSALmensal adj. Occurring once in a month; monthly.
mensal adj. Belonging to the table; transacted at table.
MENSAL adj. belonging to the table.
MONALSmonals n. Plural of monal.
MONAL n. (Nepali) a Himalayan pheasant, also MONAUL.
MUSLINmuslin n. (Textile) Any of several varieties of thin cotton cloth.
muslin n. (US) Fabric made of cotton, flax (linen), hemp, or silk, finely or coarsely woven.
muslin n. Any of a wide variety of tightly-woven thin fabrics, especially those used for bedlinen.
SALMONsalmon n. One of several species of fish, typically of the Salmoninae subfamily, brownish above with silvery sides…
salmon n. A meal or dish made from this fish.
salmon n. (Plural salmons) A pale pinkish-orange colour, the colour of cooked salmon.
SIMLINsimlin n. Synonym of simnel cake.
SIMLIN n. a variety of squash, also CYMBLING, CYMLIN, CYMLING.
SIMNELsimnel n. Synonym of simnel cake.
SIMNEL n. a fruitcake covered with almond paste, made at Easter and Christmas.
SOLEMNsolemn adj. (Religion, specifically Christianity) Of or pertaining to religious ceremonies and rites; (generally)…
solemn adj. (By extension).
SOLEMN adj. serious.
ULMINSulmins n. Plural of ulmin.
ULMIN n. a brown amorphous substance found in decaying vegetation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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