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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing L, N, O and W

BLOWNblown adj. Distended, swollen, or inflated.
blown adj. Panting and out of breath.
blown adj. (Of glass) Formed by blowing.
CLOWNclown n. A slapstick performance artist often associated with a circus and usually characterized by bright, oversized…
clown n. A person who acts in a silly fashion.
clown n. A stupid or badly-behaved person.
FLOWNflown v. Past participle of fly.
flown adj. (Theater) Suspended in the flies.
flown v. (Rare, obsolete) past participle of flow.
LOWANLOWAN n. (Native Australian) an Australian bird, aka mallee-bird.
LOWNDLOWND adj. (Scots) sheltered, calm, quiet.
LOWND v. to calm, also LOUN, LOUND, LOWN, LOWNE.
LOWNElowne n. Archaic form of loon (idler, lout).
LOWNE adj. (Scots) sheltered, calm, quiet.
LOWNE v. to calm, also LOUN, LOUND, LOWN, LOWND.
LOWNSlowns n. Plural of lown.
Lowns prop.n. Plural of Lown.
LOWN v. to calm, also LOUN, LOUND, LOWND, LOWNE.
NOWLSNOWL n. (Shakespeare) the top of the head, also NOLL, NOLE, NOUL, NOULE.
SWOLNswoln adj. (Poetic) Obsolete form of swollen.
SWELL v. to increase in size or volume.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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