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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 13 five-letter words containing L, M, P and U

AMPULampul n. Alternative spelling of ampoule.
ampul n. Alternative spelling of ampulla.
AMPUL n. a small sealed glass, also AMPOULE, AMPULE.
CLUMPclump n. A cluster or lump; an unshaped piece or mass.
clump n. A thick group or bunch, especially of bushes or hair.
clump n. A dull thud.
FLUMPflump v. (Intransitive) To move or fall heavily, or with a dull sound.
flump v. (Transitive) To drop something heavily or with a dull sound.
flump n. The dull sound so produced.
LUMPSlumps n. Plural of lump.
lumps n. (Informal) A beating or verbal abuse.
LUMP v. to make into a shapeless mass.
LUMPYlumpy adj. Full of lumps, not smooth.
lumpy adj. Of a water surface: covered in many small waves as a result of wind; choppy.
LUMPY adj. full of lumps.
PILUMpilum n. (Historical) A Roman military javelin.
pilum n. (Botany) The columella on the surface of a pollen grain.
PILUM n. (Latin) a heavy Roman javelin.
PLUMBplumb adj. Truly vertical, as indicated by a plumb line.
plumb adj. (Cricket) Describing an LBW where the batsman is hit on the pads directly in front of their wicket and…
plumb adv. In a vertical direction; perpendicularly.
PLUMEplume n. (Archaic, literary and poetic) A feather of a bird, especially a large or showy one used as a decoration.
plume n. (Archaic, literary and poetic) A cluster of feathers worn as an ornament, especially on a helmet; a hackle.
plume n. (Figurative) A token of honour or prowess; that on which one prides oneself; a prize or reward.
PLUMPplump adj. Having a full and rounded shape; chubby, somewhat overweight.
plump adj. Fat.
plump adj. Sudden and without reservation; blunt; direct; downright.
PLUMSplums n. Plural of plum.
plums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plum.
Plums prop.n. Plural of Plum.
PLUMYplumy adj. Covered or adorned with plumes, or as with plumes; feathery.
PLUMY adj. covered with feathers.
PULMOPULMO n. (Latin) a lung.
SLUMPslump v. (Intransitive) To collapse heavily or helplessly.
slump v. (Intransitive) To decline or fall off in activity or performance.
slump v. (Intransitive) To slouch or droop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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