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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing L and 3P

COPPERPLATEcopperplate n. A copper plate, either etched or engraved, to make a recessed pattern.
copperplate n. A print made from such a plate.
copperplate n. A style of handwriting based on that used on such prints; English round hand.
FLIPFLOPPEDflipflopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of flipflop.
flip-flopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of flip-flop.
FLIPFLOP v. to perform a backward somersault.
HIPPOCAMPALhippocampal adj. Pertaining to the hippocampus.
HIPPOCAMPAL adj. relating to the hippocampus.
HIPPOPHILEShippophiles n. Plural of hippophile.
HIPPOPHILE n. a lover of horses.
PAPPARDELLEpappardelle n. A broad form of fettuccine, or a narrow form of lasagne, traditionally eaten with a meat sauce (especially…
PAPPARDELLE n. a type of pasta in the form of broad ribbons.
PEPPERMILLSpeppermills n. Plural of peppermill.
pepper␣mills n. Plural of pepper mill.
PEPPERMILL n. a small hand-mill in which peppercorns are ground.
PHILIPPINASPHILIPPINA n. a present or gift which is made as a forfeit in a social game that is played in various ways; also, the game itself, also FILLIPEEN, PHILIPPINE, PHILOPENA, PHILOPOENA.
PHILIPPINESPhilippines prop.n. The Republic of the Philippines, a Southeast Asian country composed of over seven thousand islands in…
Philippines prop.n. The Philippine Islands, an archipelago in Southeast Asia, that forms the basis of the Philippine republic.
PHILIPPINE n. a present or gift which is made as a forfeit in a social game that is played in various ways; also, the game itself, also FILLIPEEN, PHILIPPINA, PHILOPENA, PHILOPOENA.
POLYPEPTIDEpolypeptide n. (Organic chemistry) Any polymer of (same or different) amino acids joined via peptide bonds.
polypeptide n. (Biochemistry) Any such polymer that is not folded into a secondary structure of a protein.
polypeptide n. (Biochemistry) A small protein containing up to 100 amino acids; see also oligopeptide.
POLYPROPENEpolypropene n. (Organic chemistry) Alternative form of polypropylene.
POLYPROPENE n. any of various thermoplastic plastics or fibers that are polymers of propylene, also POLYPROPYLENE.
PREAPPLYINGpreapplying v. Present participle of preapply.
PREAPPLY v. to apply beforehand.
PREAPPROVALpreapproval n. Approval in advance.
SHIPLAPPINGshiplapping v. Present participle of shiplap.
SHIPLAPPING n. the overlapping of planks on a ship.
SLAPHAPPIERslaphappier adj. Comparative form of slaphappy: more slaphappy.
SLAPHAPPY adj. happy-go-lucky.
SUPERPEOPLEsuperpeople n. Plural of superperson.
SUPERPERSON n. a very remarkable person.
WALLPEPPERSwallpeppers n. Plural of wallpepper.
WALLPEPPER n. a small Eurasian crassulaceous plant, having creeping stems, yellow flowers, and acrid-tasting leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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