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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2L, T and X

EXOTICALLYexotically adv. In an exotic manner.
EXOTIC adv. from another part of the world.
EXPELLANTSexpellants n. Plural of expellant.
EXPELLANT n. something that expels, also EXPELLENT.
EXPELLENTSexpellents n. Plural of expellent.
EXPELLENT n. something that expels, also EXPELLANT.
EXPLICITLYexplicitly adv. In an explicit manner.
EXPLICIT adv. distinctly stated.
EXTERNALLYexternally adv. On the surface or the outside.
EXTERNAL adv. on the outside.
EXTRALEGALextralegal adj. Occurring outside the law; not governed by law; lawless.
EXTRALEGAL adj. outside the law.
EXULTANTLYexultantly adv. In an exultant manner.
EXULTANT adv. exulting.
EXULTINGLYexultingly adv. In an exulting manner; with joy at a success or triumph.
EXULTING adv. EXULT, to rejoice greatly.
LEXICALITYlexicality n. The condition of being lexical.
lexicality n. The degree to which something is lexical.
LEXICALITY n. the quality of belonging to a lexicon.
MULTIAXIALmultiaxial adj. Having more than one axis.
MULTIAXIAL adj. having more than one axis.
PACLITAXELpaclitaxel n. (Pharmacology) A taxane antineoplastic drug C47H51NO14 originally isolated from the bark of the Pacific…
PACLITAXEL n. a drug used to treat ovarian cancer.
PHYLLOTAXYphyllotaxy n. Phyllotaxis.
PHYLLOTAXY n. the arrangement of leaves on a stem and in relation to one another, also PHYLLOTAXIS.
PIXELLATEDpixellated adj. Alternative spelling of pixelated.
pixellated v. Simple past tense and past participle of pixellate.
PIXELLATED adj. made up of pixels; displayed as enlarged pixels so as to distort or disguise.
PIXELLATESpixellates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pixellate.
PIXELLATE v. to divide an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXELATE, PIXILATE, PIXILLATE.
PIXILLATEDpixillated adj. Alternative spelling of pixilated.
PIXILLATED adj. slightly unbalanced mentally, bemused, also PIXILATED.
PIXILLATESPIXILLATE v. to divide an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXELATE, PIXELLATE, PIXILATE.
SEXTILLIONsextillion num. (US, Britain, Australia, short scale) A trillion billion: 1 followed by 21 zeros, 1021.
sextillion num. (Dated Britain and Australia, long scale) A million quintillion: 1 followed by 36 zeros, 1036.
SEXTILLION n. a thousand raised to the seventh power (10 to the 21).
TEXTURALLYtexturally adv. In a textural manner, relating to texture.
TEXTURAL adv. pertaining to the surface characteristics of something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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