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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2L, S and X

AXILLARIESaxillaries n. Plural of axillary.
AXILLARY n. a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing, also AXILLAR.
BISEXUALLYbisexually adv. In a bisexual manner.
BISEXUAL adv. hermaphrodite.
BOXWALLAHSboxwallahs n. Plural of boxwallah.
BOXWALLAH n. (Hindi) a pedlar; a businessman.
CLIMAXLESSclimaxless adj. Without a climax.
CLIMAXLESS adj. without a climax.
EXPELLANTSexpellants n. Plural of expellant.
EXPELLANT n. something that expels, also EXPELLENT.
EXPELLENTSexpellents n. Plural of expellent.
EXPELLENT n. something that expels, also EXPELLANT.
EXPLOSIBLEexplosible adj. Explosive.
EXPLOSIBLE adj. liable to explode.
FLEXUOUSLYflexuously adv. In a flexuous way.
FLEXUOUS adv. full of windings and turnings, also FLEXUOSE.
LEXICALISElexicalise v. Alternative spelling of lexicalize.
LEXICALISE v. to put into a lexicon, also LEXICALIZE.
MILLILUXESMILLILUX n. a unit of illumination, one thousandth of a lux.
OXACILLINSoxacillins n. Plural of oxacillin.
OXACILLIN n. a semisynthetic penicillin, used in the treatment of penicillin-resistant conditions.
PARALLAXESparallaxes n. Plural of parallax.
PARALLAX n. an apparent optical displacement of an object.
PIXELLATESpixellates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pixellate.
PIXELLATE v. to divide an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXELATE, PIXILATE, PIXILLATE.
PIXILLATESPIXILLATE v. to divide an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXELATE, PIXELLATE, PIXILATE.
PLEXIGLASSplexiglass n. Polymethyl methacrylate (polymer of methyl methacrylate), a tough transparent plastic used sometimes in lieu of glass.
Plexiglass n. Misspelling of Plexiglas.
PLEXIGLASS n. acrylic plastic sheets.
POLYAXIALSPOLYAXIAL n. a shape having many axes or several axis cylinders.
SEXLOCULARsexlocular adj. (Botany) Having six cells for seeds.
SEXLOCULAR adj. having six cells for seeds; as, a sexlocular pericarp.
SEXTILLIONsextillion num. (US, Britain, Australia, short scale) A trillion billion: 1 followed by 21 zeros, 1021.
sextillion num. (Dated Britain and Australia, long scale) A million quintillion: 1 followed by 36 zeros, 1036.
SEXTILLION n. a thousand raised to the seventh power (10 to the 21).
SMALLPOXESsmallpoxes n. Plural of smallpox.
SMALLPOX n. a virus disease.
XYLOLOGIESXYLOLOGY n. the study of the structure of wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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