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There are 15 seven-letter words containing L, O and Q

ALIQUOTaliquot adj. Contained in the whole an integral number of times, a factor or divisor.
aliquot n. (Chemistry, biotechnology) A portion of a total amount of a solution or suspension.
aliquot v. (Chemistry, biotechnology, transitive, informal) To separate a volume of solution or suspension into aliquots.
AQUILONAquilon prop.n. The Roman god of the North Wind, equivalent to the Greek god Boreas.
Aquilon prop.n. The north wind personified.
AQUILON n. (Shakespeare) the north wind.
CLOQUEScloques n. Plural of cloque.
CLOQUE n. (French) a fabric with an embossed design.
COEQUALcoequal adj. Equal to each other in size, rank or position.
coequal n. An equal person or thing.
COEQUAL adj. equal in rank or power.
JONQUILjonquil n. A fragrant bulb flower (Narcissus jonquilla), a species of daffodil.
jonquil n. A shade of yellow.
Jonquil prop.n. (Rare) A female given name from English.
LIQUORSliquors n. Plural of liquor.
LIQUOR v. to intoxicate with an alcoholic beverage.
LOQUATSloquats n. Plural of loquat.
LOQUAT n. (Chinese) a Chinese and Japanese tree or its small, yellow, edible fruit.
OBLIQUEoblique adj. Not erect or perpendicular; not parallel to, or at right angles from, the base.
oblique adj. Not straightforward; obscure or confusing.
oblique adj. Disingenuous; underhand; morally corrupt.
OBLOQUYobloquy n. Abusive language.
obloquy n. Disgrace.
obloquy n. (Archaic) A false accusation; malevolent rumors.
QUILLONquillon n. The guard of a sword or other bladed weapon designed to protect the hand from harm.
quillon n. Either of the two arms of such a guard.
QUILLON n. (French) the arm of the cross-guard of a sword handle.
QUILLOWquillow n. A quilt with an attached pocket into which the whole blanket can be folded, thus making a pillow.
QUILLOW n. a quilt made into a pillow.
QUINOLSquinols n. Plural of quinol.
QUINOL n. a reducing agent obtained from quinone.
QUODLINquodlin n. Obsolete form of codling (“apple”).
QUODLIN n. a variety of elongated apple, also CODLIN, CODLING.
RORQUALrorqual n. Any whale of family Balaenopteridae, with longitudinal skin folds running from below the mouth to the…
RORQUAL n. a large whale, a finback.
SQUALORsqualor n. Filthiness and degradation, as from neglect or poverty.
SQUALOR n. the state of being squalid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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