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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing L, T and X

EXALTSexalts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exalt.
EXALT v. to place in a high position.
EXTOLDextold v. (Obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of extol.
EXTOL v. to praise highly, also EXTOLL.
EXTOLLextoll v. (Transitive) Alternative spelling of extol.
EXTOLL v. to praise highly, also EXTOL.
EXTOLSextols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extol.
EXTOL v. to praise highly, also EXTOLL.
EXULTSexults v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exult.
EXULT v. to rejoice greatly.
IXTLESixtles n. Plural of ixtle.
IXTLE n. (Nahuatl) a strong fibre obtained from the agave, also ISTLE.
LAXESTlaxest adj. Superlative form of lax: most lax.
LAX adj. slack, careless.
LAXISTlaxist n. (Chiefly theology) Someone promoting lax views or relaxed interpretations of something.
laxist adj. (Chiefly theology) Promoting a lax view or interpretation of something.
LAXIST n. a person with low moral views.
LAXITYlaxity n. The state of being lax; looseness, lack of tension.
laxity n. Moral looseness; lack of rigorousness or strictness.
LAXITY n. the state of being lax, also LAXNESS.
LUXATEluxate v. To dislocate.
luxate adj. Dislocated.
LUXATE v. to put out of joint.
LUXESTLUXE adj. (French) luxurious, as in de luxe.
NEXTLYnextly adv. In the next place; next.
NEXT adv. nearest.
OXTAILoxtail n. The tail of an ox or cow.
oxtail n. A cut of meat taken from the tail of a cow or calf; it requires long, slow braising, and is used to…
OXTAIL n. the tail of an ox, esp. as used in soup.
TAXOLStaxols n. Plural of taxol.
TAXOL n. (tradename) a drug obtained from the Pacific yew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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