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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing L, N and X

ALEXINalexin n. (Biochemistry, dated) A protective substance that exists in the serum or other bodily fluid and is capable…
ALEXIN n. a substance in the blood which protects against disease, also ALEXINE.
AXONALaxonal adj. (Cytology) Of or pertaining to an axon.
AXONAL adj. relating to an axon, also AXONIC.
CLAXONclaxon n. Alternative spelling of klaxon.
CLAXON n. a low-pitched horn.
FLAXENflaxen adj. Made of or resembling flax fibers.
flaxen adj. A pale yellow brown; the colour of dried flax stalks and of the fiber obtained therefrom.
FLAXEN adj. pale yellow.
INFLUXinflux n. A flow inward or into something; a coming in.
influx n. That which flows or comes in.
influx n. (Obsolete) influence; power.
KLAXONklaxon n. A loud electric alarm or horn.
klaxon v. (Intransitive) To produce a loud, siren-like wail.
KLAXON n. a loud mechanical horn, also CLAXON.
LARNAXlarnax n. (Archaeology, historical) A small closed coffin, box or cinerary urn often used as a container for human…
LARNAX n. (Greek) a terracotta chest of ancient Greece.
LARYNXlarynx n. (Anatomy, zootomy) A hollow muscular organ of the neck of mammals situated just below where the tract…
LARYNX n. (Greek) an organ of the respiratory tract.
LAXINGlaxing n. (Phonetics) The process whereby a tense vowel becomes lax.
LAX v. to relax.
LOXINGLOX v. to supply with loxygen (liquid oxygen).
LUXINGluxing v. Present participle of lux.
LUX v. to clean with a vacuum cleaner.
LYNXESlynxes n. Plural of lynx.
LYNX n. an animal of the Lynx genus of wild cats.
NEXTLYnextly adv. In the next place; next.
NEXT adv. nearest.
OXLANDoxland n. An old land measure, equivalent to eight acres.
OXLAND n. as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGANG, OXGATE.
XENIALxenial adj. Hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners.
xenial adj. Of the relation between a host and guest; friendly.
XENIAL adj. of or concerning hospitality towards guests.
XYLANSxylans n. Plural of xylan.
XYLAN n. a substance found in cell walls of plants.
XYLENExylene n. (Chemistry) Any of a group of three isomeric aromatic hydrocarbons, found in coal and wood tar.
XYLENE n. a flammable hydrocarbon, also XYLOL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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