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There are 10 five-letter words containing L and 2U

LUAUSluaus n. Plural of luau.
LUAU n. (Hawaiian) a dish made of coconut, octopus etc.
LULUSlulus n. Plural of lulu.
LULUs n. Plural of LULU.
LULU n. an outstandingly bad or impressive person or thing.
LUPUSlupus n. (Pathology) Any of a number of autoimmune diseases, the most common of which is systemic lupus erythematosus.
Lupus prop.n. (Astronomy) A summer constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble a wolf. It lies south of the…
Lupus prop.n. A city and village in Missouri, United States.
LUSUSLUSUS n. (Latin) a sport or freak of nature.
PULUSPULU n. (Hawaiian) a silky fibre obtained from the Hawaiian tree-fern.
SULUSsulus n. Plural of sulu.
Sulus n. Plural of Sulu.
SULU n. (Fijian) in Fiji, a cloth worn as a sarong.
USUALusual adj. Most commonly occurring; typical.
usual n. The typical state of something, or something that is typical.
usual n. (Colloquial) A specific good or service (e.g. a drink) that someone typically orders.
UVULAuvula n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of palatine uvula.: the fleshy appendage that hangs from the back of the soft palate…
uvula n. (Anatomy) the slight elevation in the mucous membrane immediately behind the internal urethral orifice…
uvula n. (Music) an object so suspended inside a bell that it may hit the bell and cause it to ring; a clapper.
VOULUVOULU adj. (French) willed, deliberate, contrived.
ZULUSZulus n. Plural of Zulu.
ZULU n. a type of two-masted fishing vessel formerly used in Scotland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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