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There are 10 five-letter words containing L, T and V

LOVATlovat n. A dusty blue-green colour.
lovat adj. Of a dusty blue-green colour.
LOVAT n. a greyish or bluish-green colour in tweed.
VALETvalet n. A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
valet n. A hotel employee performing such duties for guests.
valet n. (Professional wrestling) A female performer in professional wrestling, acting as either a manager or…
VAULTvault n. An arched masonry structure supporting and forming a ceiling, whether freestanding or forming part of…
vault n. Any arched ceiling or roof.
vault n. (Figuratively) Anything resembling such a downward-facing concave structure, particularly the sky and caves.
VELDTveldt n. Dated spelling of veld.
VELDT n. (South African) open grassland, also VELD.
VITALvital adj. Relating to, or characteristic of life.
vital adj. Necessary to the continuation of life; being the seat of life; being that on which life depends.
vital adj. Invigorating or life-giving.
VOLETvolet n. A shutter on a window.
volet n. The wing of a triptych.
VOLET n. a short veil worn at the back of the head.
VOLTAvolta n. (Music) A turning; a time (chiefly used in phrases signifying that the part is to be repeated).
volta n. (Music, dance) A dance for couples popular during the late Renaissance, associated with the galliard…
volta n. (Poetry) A turning point or point of change in a poem, most commonly a sonnet.
VOLTEvolte n. Alternative form of volta.
VoLTE n. (Telecommunications) voice over long term evolution.
VOLTE n. (Italian) a fencing movement.
VOLTIvolti v. (Music) turn the page.
VOLTI n. (Italian) a direction to musicians to turn the page.
VOLTSvolts n. Plural of volt.
VOLT v. to make a sudden leap.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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