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There are 5 four-letter words containing 2L and T

LILTlilt v. To do something rhythmically, with animation and quickness, usually of music.
lilt v. To sing cheerfully, especially in Gaelic.
lilt v. To utter with spirit, animation, or gaiety; to sing with spirit and liveliness.
TALLtall adj. (Of a person) Having a vertical extent greater than the average. For example, somebody with a height…
tall adj. (Of a building, etc.) Having its top a long way up; having a great vertical (and often greater than…
tall adj. (Of a story) Hard to believe, such as a tall story or a tall tale.
TELLtell v. (Transitive, archaic outside of idioms) To count, reckon, or enumerate.
tell v. (Transitive, ditransitive) To narrate.
tell v. (Transitive, ditransitive) To convey by speech; to say.
TILLtill prep. Until; to, up to; as late as (a given time).
till prep. (Obsolete, dialect) To, up to (physically).
till prep. (Obsolete, dialect) To, toward (in attitude).
TOLLtoll n. A fee paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or…
toll n. Loss or damage incurred through a disaster.
toll n. (Business) A fee for using any kind of material processing service.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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