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There are 17 words containing K, L, M, N, O, S and U

MOLLUSKANmolluskan adj. (Rare) Alternative spelling of molluscan.
MOLLUSKAN adj. related to the mollusc family.
MOLLUSKAN n. a member of the mollusc family, also MOLLUSCAN.
MUSKMELONmuskmelon n. A type of melon, Cucumis melo subsp. melo, with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting.
musk␣melon n. Alternative spelling of muskmelon.
MUSKMELON n. the fruit of the melon, esp. a variety with netted rind and aromatic flesh.
MOLLUSKANSMOLLUSKAN n. a member of the mollusc family, also MOLLUSCAN.
MUSKMELONSmuskmelons n. Plural of muskmelon.
musk␣melons n. Plural of musk melon.
MUSKMELON n. the fruit of the melon, esp. a variety with netted rind and aromatic flesh.
UNSMOKABLEunsmokable adj. Impossible or undesirable to smoke.
UNSMOKABLE adj. not capable of being smoked.
FLUNKEYDOMSFLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
LEUKEMOGENSLEUKEMOGEN n. a substance or agent which promotes the development of leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGEN, LEUKAEMOGEN.
SLUMMOCKINGslummocking v. Present participle of slummock.
SLUMMOCK v. to move slowly and awkwardly, also SLOMMOCK.
KAMELAUKIONSkamelaukions n. Plural of kamelaukion.
KAMELAUKION n. (Modern Greek) a tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests.
LEUKAEMOGENSLEUKAEMOGEN n. a substance or agent which promotes the development of leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGEN, LEUKEMOGEN.
NOMENKLATURASnomenklaturas n. Plural of nomenklatura.
NOMENKLATURA n. (Russian) officeholders and managers in a communist regime.
LEUKEMOGENESESleukemogeneses n. Plural of leukemogenesis.
LEUKEMOGENESIS n. the development of leukaemia, also LEUKAEMOGENESIS.
LEUKEMOGENESISleukemogenesis n. (Pathology) The induction and development of leukemia in bone marrow.
LEUKEMOGENESIS n. the development of leukaemia, also LEUKAEMOGENESIS.
TROUBLEMAKINGStroublemakings n. Plural of troublemaking.
TROUBLEMAKING n. the act of making trouble.
LEUKAEMOGENESISleukaemogenesis n. The development of leukaemia.
LEUKAEMOGENESIS n. the development of leukaemia, also LEUKEMOGENESIS.
UNSPORTSMANLIKEunsportsmanlike adj. Violating the accepted standards of sportsmanship.
UNSPORTSMANLIKE adj. not characteristic of or exhibiting good sportsmanship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 267 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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