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There are 17 words containing K, M, R, S, T and Y

MUSKETRYmusketry n. The technique of using small arms such as muskets.
musketry n. A collection of muskets or musketeers.
musketry n. Musket fire.
STAYMAKERstaymaker n. Someone who makes stays.
STAYMAKER n. one whose occupation is to make stays.
KRYOMETERSkryometers n. Plural of kryometer.
KRYOMETER n. an instrument for measuring low temperatures, also CRYOMETER.
MATROYSHKAMATROYSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATRYOSHKA.
MATRYOSHKAmatryoshka n. One of a set of wooden Russian dolls of different sizes, designed such that each fits inside the next.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
MATRYOSHKImatryoshki n. Plural of matryoshka.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
MYTHMAKERSmythmakers n. Plural of mythmaker.
MYTHMAKER n. a maker of myths.
STAYMAKERSstaymakers n. Plural of staymaker.
STAYMAKER n. one whose occupation is to make stays.
TYREMAKERStyremakers n. Plural of tyremaker.
TYREMAKER n. one who makes tyres.
COMSTOCKERYcomstockery n. (US) Censorship of literature and performances because of especially broad definitions of obscenity or immorality.
COMSTOCKERY n. overzealous censorship of material considered obscene, also COMSTOCKISM.
MATROYSHKASMATROYSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATRYOSHKA.
MATRYOSHKASmatryoshkas n. Plural of matryoshka.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
PYKNOMETERSpyknometers n. Plural of pyknometer.
PYKNOMETER n. an instrument for measuring specific gravity or density, also PYCNOMETER.
HYPERMARKETShypermarkets n. Plural of hypermarket.
HYPERMARKET n. a very large self-service store, also HYPERMART.
LOCKSMITHERYlocksmithery n. The work of a locksmith.
LOCKSMITHERY n. the craft of the locksmith.
SHOCKUMENTARYshockumentary n. A form of documentary used to generate a reactionary effect in an audience; especially such a documentary…
SHOCKUMENTARY n. a documentary intended to shock.
MEGAKARYOCYTESmegakaryocytes n. Plural of megakaryocyte.
MEGAKARYOCYTE n. a large cell with a lobulated nucleus, found esp. in the bone marrow, the source of blood platelets.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 373 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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