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There are 17 words containing K, M, O, S and 2T

MATTOCKSmattocks n. Plural of mattock.
Mattocks prop.n. A surname.
MATTOCK n. a kind of pickaxe for loosening soil, also MADDOCK.
MILKTOASTmilktoast adj. Alternative spelling of milquetoast.
milktoast n. Alternative spelling of milquetoast.
milk␣toast n. A food consisting of toasted bread in warm milk, typically with sugar and butter, but which also may…
MILKTOASTSmilktoasts n. Plural of milktoast.
milk␣toasts n. Plural of milk toast.
MILKTOAST n. a very timid, unassertive person, also MILQUETOAST.
SMOKETIGHTsmoketight adj. Impervious to smoke.
SMOKETIGHT adj. proof against smoke.
MOTORTRUCKSmotortrucks n. Plural of motortruck.
motor␣trucks n. Plural of motor truck.
MOTORTRUCK n. a truck driven by a motor.
STAKTOMETERSTAKTOMETER n. a pipette with a hollow bulb in the middle for counting drops, also STACTOMETER.
KERATOMETERSkeratometers n. Plural of keratometer.
KERATOMETER n. an instrument for measuring curvature of the cornea.
KERATOTOMIESkeratotomies n. Plural of keratotomy.
KERATOTOMY n. surgery of the cornea.
MASTERSTROKEmasterstroke n. An action which demonstrates great skill or artistry.
master␣stroke n. Alternative form of masterstroke.
MASTERSTROKE n. a masterly performance or move.
STAKTOMETERSSTAKTOMETER n. a pipette with a hollow bulb in the middle for counting drops, also STACTOMETER.
KATHAROMETERSkatharometers n. Plural of katharometer.
KATHAROMETER n. an instrument measuring changes in composition of gases.
KERATECTOMIESkeratectomies n. Plural of keratectomy.
KERATECTOMY n. surgical incision of the cornea.
MACHTPOLITIKSMACHTPOLITIK n. (German) power politics.
MARKETISATIONmarketisation n. Alternative spelling of marketization.
MARKETISATION n. the process of bringing to market, also MARKETIZATION.
MASTERSTROKESmasterstrokes n. Plural of masterstroke.
master␣strokes n. Plural of master stroke.
MASTERSTROKE n. a masterly performance or move.
MARKETISATIONSmarketisations n. Plural of marketisation.
MARKETISATION n. the process of bringing to market, also MARKETIZATION.
MARKETIZATIONSmarketizations n. Plural of marketization.
MARKETIZATION n. the process of bringing to market, also MARKETISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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