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There are 14 words containing K, L, N, O, S and V

VELSKOENvelskoen n. Alternative form of veldskoen.
VELSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELDSKOEN.
VELDSKOENveldskoen n. (South Africa) Originally, a shoe with untanned leather upper sewn without nails, similar to the Canadian…
VELDSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELSKOEN.
VELSKOENSvelskoens n. Plural of velskoen.
VELSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELDSKOEN.
SLOVENLIKEslovenlike adj. (Rare, archaic) slovenly.
SLOVENLIKE adj. like a sloven.
VELDSKOENSveldskoens n. Plural of veldskoen.
VELDSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELSKOEN.
HERRENVOLKSherrenvolks n. Plural of herrenvolk.
HERRENVOLK n. (German) a master race, a race believing themselves to be fitted to rule the world.
KALASHNIKOVKalashnikov prop.n. A particular model of Russian assault rifle.
Kalashnikov prop.n. A transliteration of the Russian surname Кала́шников.
KALASHNIKOV n. (Russian) a kind of sub-machinegun made in the former USSR.
LOVEMAKINGSlovemakings n. Plural of lovemaking.
LOVEMAKING n. sexual play and usually intercourse.
KALASHNIKOVSKALASHNIKOV n. (Russian) a kind of sub-machinegun made in the former USSR.
LOVESICKNESSlovesickness n. Quality or property of being lovesick.
LOVESICKNESS n. the state of being lovesick.
OVERBLANKETSoverblankets n. Plural of overblanket.
OVERBLANKET n. a covering blanket.
OVERLOCKINGSOVERLOCKING n. oversewing a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying.
OVERCLOCKINGSOVERCLOCKING n. the act of running a computer component at a higher clock rate than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer.
LOVESICKNESSESlovesicknesses n. Plural of lovesickness.
LOVESICKNESS n. the state of being lovesick.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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