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There are 14 words containing K, L, N, O, S and V

HERRENVOLKSherrenvolks n. Plural of herrenvolk.
HERRENVOLK n. (German) a master race, a race believing themselves to be fitted to rule the world.
KALASHNIKOVKalashnikov prop.n. A particular model of Russian assault rifle.
Kalashnikov prop.n. A transliteration of the Russian surname Кала́шников.
KALASHNIKOV n. (Russian) a kind of sub-machinegun made in the former USSR.
KALASHNIKOVSKALASHNIKOV n. (Russian) a kind of sub-machinegun made in the former USSR.
LOVEMAKINGSlovemakings n. Plural of lovemaking.
LOVEMAKING n. sexual play and usually intercourse.
LOVESICKNESSlovesickness n. Quality or property of being lovesick.
LOVESICKNESS n. the state of being lovesick.
LOVESICKNESSESlovesicknesses n. Plural of lovesickness.
LOVESICKNESS n. the state of being lovesick.
OVERBLANKETSoverblankets n. Plural of overblanket.
OVERBLANKET n. a covering blanket.
OVERCLOCKINGSOVERCLOCKING n. the act of running a computer component at a higher clock rate than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer.
OVERLOCKINGSOVERLOCKING n. oversewing a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying.
SLOVENLIKEslovenlike adj. (Rare, archaic) slovenly.
SLOVENLIKE adj. like a sloven.
VELDSKOENveldskoen n. (South Africa) Originally, a shoe with untanned leather upper sewn without nails, similar to the Canadian…
VELDSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELSKOEN.
VELDSKOENSveldskoens n. Plural of veldskoen.
VELDSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELSKOEN.
VELSKOENvelskoen n. Alternative form of veldskoen.
VELSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELDSKOEN.
VELSKOENSvelskoens n. Plural of velskoen.
VELSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELDSKOEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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