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There are 20 words containing 2K, O, 2R and W

BACKWORKERBACKWORKER n. a miner who does backwork, work done underground but not at the coalface.
BACKWORKERSBACKWORKER n. a miner who does backwork, work done underground but not at the coalface.
BRICKWORKbrickwork n. Those parts of items that are made of brick.
brickwork n. The quality of the construction of brick built items.
BRICKWORK n. a structure, such as a wall, built of bricks.
BRICKWORKSbrickworks n. A place where bricks are made.
BRICKWORK n. a structure, such as a wall, built of bricks.
DOCKWORKERdockworker n. A person who works on the dock of a harbor or shipyard, usually employed to load or unload freight.
dock␣worker n. Alternative form of dockworker.
DOCKWORKER n. one who works on the docks.
DOCKWORKERSdockworkers n. Plural of dockworker.
dock␣workers n. Plural of dock worker.
DOCKWORKER n. one who works on the docks.
KEYWORKERkeyworker n. (UK) A social worker who helps to coordinate a patient’s care and their social welfare, finances, career, etc.
keyworker n. (UK, education) A childcare worker who monitors a child’s development and participation in activities…
keyworker n. (UK) A worker in any industry who is considered indispensable and expected not to strike.
KEYWORKERSkeyworkers n. Plural of keyworker.
key␣workers n. Plural of key worker.
KEYWORKER n. a worker such as a teacher or health worker.
KWASHIORKORkwashiorkor n. (Pathology) A form of malnutrition, found in children, caused by dietary insufficiency of protein in…
KWASHIORKOR n. a tropical disease of infants caused by protein deficiency.
KWASHIORKORSkwashiorkors n. Plural of kwashiorkor.
KWASHIORKOR n. a tropical disease of infants caused by protein deficiency.
POKERWORKpokerwork n. Pyrography created with a hot poker.
POKERWORK n. the art of producing designs on wood by burning it with a hot metal rod.
POKERWORKSPOKERWORK n. the art of producing designs on wood by burning it with a hot metal rod.
RACKWORKrackwork n. Any mechanism with a rack, such as a rack and pinion.
RACKWORK n. any mechanism having a rack, as a rack and pinion.
RACKWORKSrackworks n. Plural of rackwork.
RACKWORK n. any mechanism having a rack, as a rack and pinion.
ROCKWORKrockwork n. Ornamental work done with rocks, as for example around a pond.
rockwork n. (Climbing) The act of climbing a rock face, cliff, etc.
ROCKWORK n. stonework in which the surface is left broken and rough.
ROCKWORKSrockworks n. Plural of rockwork.
ROCKWORK n. stonework in which the surface is left broken and rough.
TRUNKWORKTRUNKWORK n. (Shakespeare) clandestine visiting in a trunk.
TRUNKWORKSTRUNKWORK n. (Shakespeare) clandestine visiting in a trunk.
WICKERWORKwickerwork n. A thing or things made of wicker.
wicker-work n. Alternative spelling of wickerwork.
WICKERWORK n. basketwork of any kind.
WICKERWORKSwickerworks n. Plural of wickerwork.
WICKERWORK n. basketwork of any kind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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