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There are 15 words containing 2K, N, S, T and U

STUKKENDSTUKKEND adj. (South African) broken or wrecked.
KNOCKOUTSknockouts n. Plural of knockout.
knock-outs n. Plural of knock-out.
KNOCKOUT n. a blow that induces unconsciousness.
SKATEPUNKskatepunk n. (Uncountable, music) A fast, intense, melodic form of hardcore punk music, associated with skateboarding culture.
skatepunk n. (Countable) A member of the skateboarding subculture that listens to punk music.
skate␣punk n. Alternative form of skatepunk.
SKUNKIESTskunkiest adj. Superlative form of skunky: most skunky.
SKUNKY adj. having a smell suggestive of a skunk.
KNACKWURSTknackwurst n. A highly seasoned scalded sausage made from beef, pork, and fatty tissue similar to a frankfurter, but…
KNACKWURST n. (German) a kind of highly seasoned sausage, also KNOCKWURST.
KNOCKWURSTknockwurst n. Alternative spelling of knackwurst.
KNOCKWURST n. (German) a kind of highly seasoned sausage, also KNACKWURST.
KNUCKLIESTknuckliest adj. Superlative form of knuckly: most knuckly.
KNUCKLY adj. having prominent knuckles.
SKATEPUNKSskatepunks n. Plural of skatepunk.
skate␣punks n. Plural of skate punk.
SKATEPUNK n. a participant in a skateboarding subculture.
TRUNKWORKSTRUNKWORK n. (Shakespeare) clandestine visiting in a trunk.
KIBBUTZNIKSkibbutzniks n. Plural of kibbutznik.
KIBBUTZNIK n. (Hebrew) a person who lives or works on a kibbutz.
KNACKWURSTSknackwursts n. Plural of knackwurst.
KNACKWURST n. (German) a kind of highly seasoned sausage, also KNOCKWURST.
KNOCKABOUTSknockabouts n. Plural of knockabout.
KNOCKABOUT n. a boisterous performance with horseplay.
KNOCKWURSTSknockwursts n. Plural of knockwurst.
KNOCKWURST n. (German) a kind of highly seasoned sausage, also KNACKWURST.
KNUCKLEDUSTERknuckleduster n. Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.
knuckle-duster n. Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.
knuckle␣duster n. (Britain, Australia) A weapon made of metal worn around the knuckles that strengthens the impact of…
KNUCKLEDUSTERSknuckledusters n. Plural of knuckleduster.
knuckle-dusters n. Plural of knuckle-duster.
knuckle␣dusters n. Plural of knuckle duster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 198 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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